Body Vs Mind

Turmeric is a potential aid against precancerous cells

BY: NADIA ZAIDI  Turmeric may kill precancerous cells, and is deservedly the newest superfood to hit the market by storm. I’ve chronicled my experience consuming turmeric regularly over the period of three weeks. After reaping some profound benefits, I swear by…

The contraceptive debate: IUDs vs. birth control pills

Birth control: because you don’t want to get pregnant. Okay, so that was a brash generalization because as most of us know, birth control can be used for purposes other than baby prevention. Once you’ve decided to go on birth…

Pro-anorexia websites need to be criminalized

BY: NADIA ZAIDI  At a time when hate speech and propaganda are igniting civil and world conflict, filtering what we read online is of paramount importance. Currently, there are underground websites that promote eating disorders, and they should be criminalized.…

This intensive cannabis index will help you find the perfect strain for any condition, symptom or mood

As Cannabis becomes legalized in more and more states, as well as Canada, more and more strains have been made available to the public. With wonderfully organized websites like Leafly, customers can be directed towards the strains of cannabis that…

The freezing your eggs debate: Is it really worth it?

In today’s more equal society women still struggle with the idea of “having it all”. This refers to the struggle women have to be wives, mothers and successful career driven women. The solution that has been implemented into main stream…

Suicide rate among teenage girls reaches a 40 year high – is social media to blame?

In recent years the rate of young women committing suicide has climbed and reached a 40 year high as of 2015. And as of 2008 psychology today stated that the average teenager has as much anxiety today as a mental patient…

Herbal Medications: A growing trend, a growing problem?

BY: NADIA ZAIDI  Alternative treatments are growing in popularity, as many people begin to question traditional pharmacology. Various theories on disease cures being hidden from the public for pharmaceutical profit are gaining momentum. They are also feeding a million-dollar herbal…

Cannabis has now been proven to treat a rare and severe form of epilepsy

Marijuana remains one of the most controversial plants on Earth. Is it a miracle cure-all for society’s ills or the gateway drug to the root of all evil? Proponents of both sides have debated just how quantifiable marijuana’s effects can…

At this rehab centre, cannabis is used as an exit drug for addicts

BY SYDNEY KEEFE Joe Schrank co-founded the rehab facility, High Sobriety that uses cannabis as an exit drug. The philosophy behind the rehab is that AA will not work all the time for everyone, in fact it is only estimated…

Why do we say ‘bless you’ when someone sneezes?

BY: NADIA ZAIDI Sneezing is one of the most effective (and satisfying) bodily releases, yet it’s something we don’t give second thought to. However, a recent bout of sniffles had me wondering about what happens up there, and how our…

How to turn your bedroom into a mindful space and get the best sleep of your life

It’s easy for us to forget that our bedrooms are where we spend the majority of our lives. Dependant on your sleeping pattern, between 6 and 10 hours every single day is spent in bed sleeping. It’s safe to say…

Underwater Yoga is good for your mind, body, and it looks absolutely mesmerizing

BY: NADIA ZAIDI Yoga is one of the most powerful tools for relaxation and exercise. But did you know that you don’t necessarily need solid ground to do it? Aquatic yoga is the practice of doing yoga underwater. It sounds…

7 tried and true ways to improve or maintain your romantic relationship(s)

Often, unwanted tension in relationships can be avoided, or at the very least reduced. This is not to say that conflict is the worst thing ever, in fact, it is sometimes necessary, but often enough it is easier than you…

Scientists used a snail to prove they can successfully erase memories from the brain

Humans are fallible. We’ve all goofed up over the years in ways large and small. Who could forget, for instance, accidentally calling your teacher “Mom?” Or maybe you accidentally let slip that you know a little too much about the…

Giving vegetables sexy, indulgent names makes people eat healthier

It’s a war that’s been waged in a billion homes all over the world throughout history – the struggle of eating vegetables. Face it – compared to a juicy steak or a helping of fries, there are very few of…

Natural sleep remedies that will help you get to sleep quickly

Do you spend hours at night lying in bed waiting to fall asleep? Cause let me tell you -that ain’t fun. You might want to take the “easy” way out and purchase sleeping pills, but forget reaching for pills and try…

Men’s mental health is facing a silent crisis

BY: NADIA ZAIDI  Featured Illustration by Xulin Wang Men’s Mental Health Awareness Day was on June 13, 2017, and it served as a reminder that men, too, can suffer from anxiety, depression and a range of mental illnesses. The constructs…

Modern psychedelic science is reviving lost research and finding new cures

The future is bright; its colours, sights and sounds more vibrant and steeped in a better understanding of our consciousness and it’s brought to you by the wonders of psychedelic science. It is a field of study with a storied…

5 steps to better mental health

BY: NADIA ZAIDI  Mental health requires nourishment and nurturing. We often take it for granted. Magic pills aren’t the solution, and therapy is the beginning to a whole new lifestyle change. There are simple, yet crucial things you can do…

America’s dirty history of lunatic asylums and their forgotten patients

BY: SYDNEY KEEFE  Featured Illustration by Xulin Wang The history of mental institutions in the world is a relatively short one. The modern institution began in the 18th century. They began as lunatic asylums and eventually morphed into psychiatry hospitals.…