Ahhh, public transit. In any city, public transportation is both a blessing and a curse. Yes, it gets you from point A to point B, is relatively cheap and cuts down on the number of cars on the road, but…
10 train travel tips to help you prepare for your next rail journey
Train travel has become one of the most romanticized modes of transportation. It’s easy to dream about journeys such as the Trans-Siberian Railway, the Marrakech Express, or The Rocky Mountaineer while pouring over photos of gorgeous landscapes on Pinterest. Plus, with movies such as…
Germany set to use the world’s first zero carbon-emissions train
By: Zoe Melnyk While everyone around the world focused on creating zero-carbon emission cars, the French company Alstom made the first hydrogen fueled passenger train in the world. Alstom presented the train, called Coradia iLint, after two years of research at the…
Suburban skateboarders turned train hopping heroes crossed America and caught it all on film
BY: ROB HOFFMAN There are few places in the West that capture the raw American spirit like the dark corners of train yards and the open boxcars that run a rough hand across the country’s burning plains. Only a month…
Photographer captures the lives of a hidden slum that resides beside an active railroad (Photos)
BY: THE PLAID ZEBRA Kolkata based photographer Debosmita Das first discovered the slum that runs along an active railroad on her route to work. The residents welcomed Das into their community and allowed her to photograph their dangerous lifestyle. In her…
A newly-constructed Japanese train travels 500km/hr by levitating above the tracks
BY: PILGRIM Japan recently constructed a train that travels at 500km/hr (311mph) by floating above the tracks using magnetic levitation—and it’s about to be opened for public use. The first 100 people ever recently had the opportunity to ride the…