Trains, busses, trucks. The’ve all got some things in common – they’re big, they’re powerful haulers, and they also tend to stink… especially busses, if you’re unlucky enough to sit next to a chain smoker. But that’s not the kind…
How Lush plans to use regeneration to save the planet
BY: RHIANN MOORE Lush recently launched the Spring Prize 2017 in their endless effort to save the environment from humankind’s relentless and destructive tendencies. Much like the Lush Prize before it, the award seeks to empower individuals, organizations and communities…
A company in the Netherlands has found a beautiful, functional use for retired wind turbines
BY: BROOKLYN PINHEIRO As wind turbines come to the end of their lifespan the clean energy source faces barriers to continuing its commitment to being environmentally friendly. After 15 to 25 years in the field, wind turbines need to be…
Germany set to use the world’s first zero carbon-emissions train
By: Zoe Melnyk While everyone around the world focused on creating zero-carbon emission cars, the French company Alstom made the first hydrogen fueled passenger train in the world. Alstom presented the train, called Coradia iLint, after two years of research at the…
In the male-dominated world of auto racing, this environmental activist has made her mark.
“Never underestimate a vegan hippie chick with a race car.” Leilani Münter. By: JACK M. It’s difficult, I know, to reconcile the gas-guzzling, rubber-burning world of car racing with the idea of being a responsible steward of the environment; it’s…
These environmentally friendly foldable dome homes are for the all-season camper
BY: SWIKAR OLI Cabins are cozy and tents are fun, but neither can really keep pace with anything in the modern convenience-minded era. I for one don’t need a lack of water or heat to give me the full backcountry…
Otters aren’t just fucking adorable – they lower carbon dioxide levels
BY: SWIKAR OLI Being a California sea otter ain’t easy. Sea otters are among the smallest mammals in the ocean. Great whites love to eat them. They are plagued by disease, and we manage to disturb their lives in various…
Dutch citizens sued their government for not taking action against climate change and won
BY: ZOE MELNYK After years of disappointment in their government’s environmental policies, 886 Dutch citizens, following the lead of the sustainability foundation Urgenda, took their government to court in order to demand a better treatment of the environment and to…
Europe’s largest living wall contains 97,000 plants
BY: JESSICA BEUKER A 446-space parking garage is now home to Europe’s largest living wall. The wall contains 97,000 plants drawn from 20 different species chosen specifically to provide environmental benefits. According to Gizmag, the plants are tailored to do…
Architects design an eco-house that’s the environmental equivalent of planting over 6,000 trees
BY: DEXTER BROWN Australian prefabricated building company ArchiBlox has built what they call “the world’s first carbon-positive prefabricated house,” according to Dezeen Magazine. The Carbon Positive House, as it’s known, was designed to make more energy than it uses, and it drew international attention…
Can Justin Trudeau support the environment and Oil Sands expansion? (Video)
BY: TYLER FYFE PHOTOGRAPHY BY: CONNOR BRIAN The Liberal Party is Canada’s centre party, but when it comes to matters as controversial as blanket surveillance and climate change, the middle ground is not a safe place stand. While Trudeau pushes…
Is Your Lifestyle Eco-Friendly or Ego-Friendly? Understanding “Greenwashing”.
BY: KESTREL In the age of mass media, ideas are stripped to their bare bones and forced to dance for the global marketing puppet show. Brand managers and market analysts, the new navigators of the twenty-first century, map currents of…