It’s easy for us to forget that our bedrooms are where we spend the majority of our lives. Dependant on your sleeping pattern, between 6 and 10 hours every single day is spent in bed sleeping. It’s safe to say…
This is the easiest breathing technique that will help you destress and sleep better
Harvard doctor, Andrew Weil, has claimed he has created a powerful technique that will help you sleep better and relieve your stress. It’s not a drug, nor is it a mattress or any sort of funny contraption. It’s the “4-7-8 breathing…
My training as a sexological bodyworker brought me home to my body
BY: CAITLIN ROBERTS Featured photo by Adrianne Pennings “How would you like to be touched?” I take a fulfilling breath and exhale loudly. “Mmmmmm. I’d like you to lightly trace your finger tips all over my entire body. Very slowly. You…
Five of the best silent retreats around the world to help you find your inner zen
“The quieter you become, the more you can hear.” – Baba Ram Dass How long do you think you could go without talking? One day, maybe two? How about a week or even a month? How long you could be silent…
Sway meditation app taps into our ‘sixth sense’
BY: SHAWNTAE HARRIS The hustle of a big city makes it almost impossible to relax sometimes. Hearing the loud cars go by and running to catch the train as the doors nearly close around you can be exhausting. The only…
What is yoga and why do people do it?
BY: NADIA ZAIDI From acai berries to green juice, health fads are as transient as fashion on the runway. Yoga may be a bandwagon trend, but its wholesome benefits have emerged it as a lifestyle, not a momentary craze. In…
Hatha Yoga: What is it?
BY: NADIA ZAIDI Our mannerisms, which range from the way we sit, place our hands, or move, convey a great deal about us. These gesticulations are generally subconscious. But did you know that they might kindle deeper mental and physical…
Practicing yoga can literally change your DNA for better, long term health
BY: QUENTIN STUCKEY Who truly has the time to relax anymore? We as human beings are taught from a very early age “idle hands are the devil’s playthings,” meaning that if you are not constantly busying yourself with something or…
Quick and easy ways to meditate at work that will lower stress and increase productivity (infographic)
BY: SAMANTHA TAPP Contrary to popular belief, meditation isn’t just for people in yoga classes or those practicing religion. It’s actually quite a beneficial stress reducer in everyday life for anyone. According to the Mayo Clinic meditation is “a way…
Can meditation help you achieve your business goals?
Since 2007 there has been a 32% increase in diagnosed mental health conditions in adults with a massive 92% of college students feeling mentally distressed. The near epidemic levels of stressed out young adults is well documented. But it isn’t…
There is a dome in the Mojave desert meant for cell rejuvenation, anti-gravity, and time travel (and you can visit)
Nestled on the outskirts of enchanting Landers, California is a large white dome-shaped structure that looks like it popped straight out of a science fiction movie. The dome is called the Integratron and it is part resonant tabernacle, part energy machine,…
Are Mindfulness Practices Making Americans Miserable?
BY: TIM O’NEAL The obsession with achieving happiness in the United States is actually making us miserable. This is according to a recent article at The author, Ruth Whippman, makes a compelling argument. She cites studies showing that, “the…
Spherical treehouses let you camp under a blanket of greenery and stars all year round
BY: CHARLOTTE LEFAVE Forget about leaving treehouses in the fond memories of your childhood. Now, on Vancouver Island, you can rent spherical treehouses that take camping to entirely new heights. The creators of the Free Spirit Spheres Resort believe in…
This new study proves that mindfulness might be the answer for children with anxiety
By: Kassandra Dzikewicz Anxiety disorder is found in one in four teens between the ages of 13 and 18. In a lot of cases, the immediate response to dealing with the anxiety is to resort to medication. However, recent studies…
I spent my 19th birthday practicing an ancient meditative technique 10 hours a day and trying to keep a grip on my sanity
I am laying on a wooden bench using the course pamphlet to block the sun from blinding me. Habitually, I begin reading it. “Progress toward the ultimate goal of liberation from all suffering” “May the glow of Dharma on your…
How a city monk taught me to silence the outside world and listen to myself
By: Adrian Smith Photos by: Eric Zdancewicz Those who want can now use meditation apps on their smartphones to help them meditate at home or in the office. Apps like Headspace, Meditation Time and Breathe guide users through mindfulness techniques,…
You’re right, we should be teaching mindfulness and meditation in schools.
BY: Adrian Smith When I consider how positively mindfulness affects my psyche and my overall mental wellness, I’m often left wondering why our education system doesn’t teach mind-body training in schools. Mindfulness, a term first coined by biologist Jon…
Why most people are faking it when they meditate
BY: MARIYA GUZOVA Over the past several years, both my parents have become very devout and active yogis. And I don’t mean they go to a hot yoga class twice a week in cute Lululemon outfits. I mean they wake…
Manhattan’s first meditation studio offers New Yorkers a space for Mindfulness
BY: ADRIAN SMITH What would New York City be like if everyone meditated? Less angry, you’d imagine, maybe even a bit more compassionate—at the very least more relaxed. In a fast-paced city like Manhattan, where people get caught up in…