Over 30 years, photographer captured the freaks and non-conformists that rule the underbelly of Berlin (photos)

BY: JESSICA BEUKER  Miron Zownir has spent most of his life looking at others. His stunning collection of black and white photography tells the stories that would otherwise go untold, of those living on the outside, in different cities around…

UK festivals will let you test your drugs before tripping out this summer

BY: JESSICA BEUKER  Last July, the summer music festival, Secret Garden Party, became the first ever UK festival to offer its attendees a somewhat controversial service – drug testing. Festival goers were given the opportunity to take their drugs to a…

Smoke pot? Researchers looking for 25,000 recreational cannabis users for study

BY: JARED BEAUBIEN-TAYLOR Researchers are looking for 25,000 participants to take part in a recreational marijuana study. It aims to study the effects of pot on long-term recreational users. Berlin’s Research initiative on Cannabis Consumption submitted the “Scientific Study on…

German scientists just turned on the world’s first artificial sun

BY: SHAWNTAE HARRIS  A perfect sunny climate will certainly brighten everyone’s mood while simultaneously creating fuels that help, and not hinder, the environment. This is why an artificial sun is coming soon to Germany. They hope to create a larger…

Germany’s crowdfunded train takes to the rails

BY: PHILIPPE DE JOCAS Rail travel kicked off in Europe, and it’s no surprise that even now, though cars and trucks continue to rule the roost in Canada and the United States, Europeans ride the rails more often than their…

Germany wants their disabled citizens to get laid and they’ll cover the cost

  BY: SAMANTHA TAPP What do you consider human necessities? Eating, drinking water and sleeping, probably. If that was your list, you’re forgetting about something else: sex. No, you don’t need it to survive (well, some might argue otherwise), but…

The unsettling photos from Germany’s underground brothel scene

BY: JESSICA BEUKER London-based Jasper White works as both an editorial and commercial photographer. He is well known for his photo collections and keen eye for capturing the exact mood and atmosphere of a scene. The following collection, all of…

Road Trip Journal: From Germany to Croatia, sleeping on a roof (photos)

BY: MARLEN MUELLER AND THOMAS ADLER  Based in Berlin, we are both freelance photographers and designers. In 2015 we founded Urban Tenting – the digital home of our camping and hiking travels. In September 2015 we took a road trip…

Germany’s new 100-kilometre bike highway is about to change commuting forever

BY: JESSICA BEUKER  Last month, Germany opened the first stretch of its new “bike autobahn” cycle route. The route will eventually cover 100 km, but so far only five km of the route has been completed. The complete tracks are…

Facebook, Google and Twitter are aggressively cracking down on hate speech in Germany

BY: DANIKA MOIR Since the influx of refugees coming to Germany, there has been an increase in hate speech on German social media. Germany will be taking in one million asylum-seekers this year and have faced a large amount of…

These journalists used Snapchat to live stream the migration of refugees from Syria to Germany

BY: DAVID LAO The huge influx of Syrian refugees towards the west has received an explosion of media coverage over the last few months, raising debates on topics including Europe’s treatment of refugees as well as whether or not they’re…

An Airbnb for refugees lets citizens share their homes with immigrants

BY: JESSICA BEUKER The current state of the refugee crisis, in which more than 3.8 million Syrian citizens are fleeing their country to escape violence and religious domination, is being met with a number of positive solutions. Citizens across Europe…

Modern Berlin: from the Stasi, Hitler and segregation to MDMA, street art and a culture of freedom

BY: AOIFE RYAN For many, Berlin may provoke images of division and fallen empires, but laced within the nation’s capital are far more rewarding experiences for both the modern traveller and native city dwellers alike. Having been there myself nearly…