Some of the greatest Hollywood films deal with subject matter that hits close to our hearts, such as protagonists with mental illness. Much like Vivien Leigh’s portrayal of the histrionic Scarlett O’Hara from the classic Gone with the Wind, several other…
The True/False Film Fest shows us the world through documentaries, and it’s actually fun
BY: TIM O’NEAL It’s that time of year again, where film makers and watchers get together to celebrate the art form they love. No, not the Academy Awards. I’m talking about the 15th annual True/False Film Fest. True/False is an…
This filmmaker sheds light on the poor treatment of foreign farmers in Canada
BY: CAROLINE ROLF For more than 50 years, migrant workers come to Canada to tend to our fields, work in our orchards and toil inside our greenhouses. We may put a lot of thought into what produce we’re putting on…
This Kurdish film challenges you to rethink war and the power you have to prevent it
By: Victoria Heath Picasso was right when he said, “Art is a lie that makes us recognize the truth.” Yet some truths are too haunting, dark and difficult for many of us to accept as reality. Some are even…
This one-of-a-kind film can only be viewed once before it disappears forever.
By: Eric Zdancewicz Director Guy Maddin believes not enough disappears from the Internet. So in collaboration with the National Film Board of Canada, and Co-Creators Evan and Galen Johnson, he has created a place for films to get lost forever.…
The bond between this photographer and his dog will make you appreciate the little things
By: Kassandra Dzikewicz True loyalty and companionship can be hard to find, but the inseparable bond between a photographer and his dog will reassure you such faithfulness still exists. Denali is a short film that shows the bond between a…
Why you should ditch the digital and document your life with a film camera
BY: LIZ PEKLER These days, people capture their memories mostly using a smartphone or some other digital camera. We live in a world where convenience is king, and nothing is more convenient than having a camera that can take nearly…
They told me to go after my dream— too bad I wanted to be a female Hollywood director
BY: ANGIE PICCIRILLO When you walk the hallways of any elementary or middle school, the walls are lined with inspirational posters pushing kids towards higher education, and reminding them to “follow your dreams.” The pessimist in me is somewhat sad…
Everest Sherpas are finally being honoured as the pillars of a glorified Western dream
BY: TYLER FYFE The word Sherpa is not a job title. It is the cultural name of an ethnic group living in the eastern Himalayas long before the first recorded ascent of Everest in 1953. Since that famous feat was…
The first and final frames of famous movies will make you think like a director (Video)
BY: LAURA ROJAS Films, stripped down to their main elements, are composed of form, structure, and detail. In fact, the formal elements that play together within visuals impact us more deeply than we often realize. Cool tones, warm hues, darkness…
The 12 Best Short Films you can watch online for free (Videos)
Never underestimate the power of a story to illuminate meaning in this complicated world. Word-of-mouth stories were our first way of passing on knowledge. They allowed us to inspect ideas, characters, and situations from a safe distance. They served as…
How limiting yourself actually helps your creativity (Video)
BY: DANIEL KORN Write something right now. It can be anything you want – prose, poetry, script, diary. It can be on any topic. No word limit. Take however long you need. So, what did you write? Probably nothing, right?…
This 26-year-old snuck into over 50 major music festivals and made a movie about it (Video)
By: Daniel Korn It’s that time of year where the excitement for the summer’s music festivals has started to mount, and with it the disappointing realization that life might keep you from seeing all the bands you want to see.…
Filmmaker Devin Graham proves that failure is success in progress
BY: ROB HOFFMAN Devin Graham stands at the forefront of a shifting media landscape that takes filmmaking out of the hands of big-budget producers and instead makes it available to a vastly broader population. This democratization of filmmaking excites and inspires…
The Drone Economy Is Coming And Canada Is Heading The Flock
BY: KELSEY ROLFE Jason Toth spent five days in early October working from a large skiff off the picturesque northeastern coast of Vancouver Island, using a custom-built drone to capture video footage of British Columbia’s waterfalls, mountains, sea lions, salmon,…
Microloans Could Save Tired Starving Artists. How ROSCAs Can Save Music, Art And Film.
BY: JUNE OWATARI $2400 for a Conveyer Dryer for screen-printing + $2000 for a film output printer with colour separation software plus a 6-pack of ink cartridges + $600 for micro-registration attachments for the 6-colour press + $150 for supplies…
Astron 6 converted their used underwear into a TIFF film
BY: THE PLAID ZEBRA Being heavily deprived of sleep while filmmaking is a lot like being drunk—everything becomes inexplicably hilarious, and you end waking up confused and naked miles away from where you started. Enter directing/acting duo Matthew Kennedy and Adam…