Global Stage

Unschooling is education that throws curriculum to the wind and puts the focus on passion

BY: CHRISTINE CELIS When you meet seven-year old Jacob for the first time, you would be charmed by his politeness and his ability to recognize flags and capitals of various countries in the world. You would expect him to be…

A feminist’s take on what’s wrong with feminism

BY: JESSICA BURDE I am a feminist. It is a label I embrace, and I’m proud of the achievements of the feminist movement. But I’m not blind to the flaws of feminism. From the earliest days of women’s suffrage, feminists…

The Beekeeper Stands Between Humans And Extinction (Documentary)

BY: THE PLAID ZEBRA There is a tiny insect that labours so tirelessly that our very lives depend on their work. According to the British Beekeepers Association a single bee colony pollinates 4,000 m² of fruit trees and 70 different…

These Photographs Will Challenge Your Perception of The Israel-Palestine Binary

BY: KEN CENDO Ken Cendo shows the Israel-Palestine conflict with humility by depicting the daily lives of both sides of the conflict. Despite the media binary, these photos remind us of the familiar humanness that is constant on both sides…

These Poverty-Stricken Cocoa Bean Farmers Try Chocolate For The First Time

BY: PILGRIM The Ivory Coast produces 1.6 million tons of cocoa beans per annum, making it the largest cocoa bean exporter in the world. Of course cocoa is the main ingredient in chocolate, a multi-billion dollar industry. However, within the…

Graphic Content and The Moral Gap In Western Journalism

BY: ALEXANDER DOWNHAM The Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA) says news subjects should be treated with “respect and dignity”; however, graphic content has journalists struggling with this task, particularly when covering stories abroad. Journalists, already facing possible scrutiny when…

Countrywide Ferguson Jury Protests Show Collapsing Faith In The Justice System

BY: JOHN DILLON “Hands up don’t shoot” fell from the mouths of thousands of protesters like bricks fell on the faces of the NYPD. Weaving through traffic and drumming on windows they marched through Manhattan’s Union Square. Minutes after a…

Let’s Put Canadian Women On Bank Notes Already

BY: SINEAD MULHERN It’s 2014 and the Bank of Canada has yet to print a Canadian woman’s face on any of our country’s bank notes. In 2011, the Bank of Canada put The Famous Five and activist Therese Casgrain on the…

India Officially Recognizes “The Third Gender”. These Photos Show The Face of Transgender Struggle.

BY: SAHAR FADAIAN Cultural taboos, federal regulations, and family rejection have given the Transgender Women of South India little choices for survival. During the years that Sahar Fadaian lived in Bangalore, India she noticed that most “Hijra” have been defamed…

People swim with rotting corpses in Varanasi to cleanse themselves of sin

BY: ALEXANDER DOWNHAM Western Judeo-Christian values have morphed death into an aspect of life we run from. But in Varanasi, India, death is something to anticipate and embrace. Varanasi – one of Hinduism’s seven holiest cities – was built between…

What Does America Look Like Through The Eyes Of A Tourist? These Photos Will Make You Understand

BY: RON GESSEL Streets overwhelmed by advertisements, shopping malls and fast food, celebrity obsession and hypersexualized imagery—is this really the America that tourists bear witness to? Caught in the normalized state of society, we often do not take a moment to…

The Gulabi Gang Of India: These Warrior Women Wear Pink And Fight Oppression

BY: LISA CUMMING A hurricane of pink is rumbling through India, and it has been for almost a decade now. The Gulabi (Pink) Gang, formally established in 2006, by Sampat Pal Devi in the Banda District of Uttar Pradesh is…

Guaranteed Income Doesn’t Equate To Laziness—The Dauphin Experiment Might Change Your Mind About Socialism

BY: ALEXANDER DOWNHAM In Canada 2014, it’s hard to believe the Great White North’s been anything but an advocate for neoliberal economic policies. Since the 1980s, Conservative politicians like Brian Mulroney and Stephen Harper have persuaded Canadians to adopt individualist,…

What Is Considered By Many To Be The Oldest Living Animal Is Eight Stories Tall And Lives Off The BC Coast.

BY: SINEAD MULHERN It sounds mythical but it’s true. What many biologists consider to be one of the oldest living animals lives deep beneath the waters of the Hecate Strait off the northern coast of Vancouver Island. The glass coral…

Internet Trolls And Free Speech Advocates Beware: Internet Laws Are Changing

BY: DANIEL KORN It perhaps goes without saying that the Internet has always been a weird, lawless place. This is what gives it its monumental power, but with freedom comes great responsibility. For every alienated fan boy able to finally…

The Poppy You Wear Over Your Heart On Remembrance Day Was Probably Made By An Inmate In Prison

BY: SINEAD MULHERN Today millions of Canadians will be donning the red and black poppy on the lapels of jackets across the country. The story of their making is a little different this year. Traditionally, the millions of plastic red…

Slut Shaming, Gay Bashing And Sex Scandal; The Proliferation of Irish Sexual Repression

BY: AOIFE RYAN “We may be twenty-five year old, independent working women, but if I had an unplanned pregnancy now, I’d react the same as if I was sixteen. I hate to admit it but my immediate reaction would be…

It’s About Freedom, Not Chaos – Anarchy Is The Most Peaceful Way Of Organizing Society

BY: RANDALL PARKER JR. I’ve only been self-identifying as an anarchist since the fall of 2011. At that time, I was 28 years old and well beyond the age of wanting to “be cool” by taking on an unconventional identity.…

School Image Over Student Safety: America’s Ivy League Are Among The Worst For Rape Survivors

BY: LISA CUMMING From the perches of the ivory towers of academic elitism, administrations are more concerned with protecting their image than protecting their students. Columbia, Harvard, and Stanford are considered by many to be the top universities in America.…

There’s more to the Netherlands than weed, wooden shoes and prostitutes

BY: CASPER VAN ES ‘Hey there, Mountie, sorry to disturb you during your hockey, but how aboot that maple syrup eh?’ As someone from the Netherlands, that about sums up all the stereotypes about the Great White North for me.…