BY: CATHERINE HENNESSEY Human perception is constantly seen through the looking glass of subjectivity, a tint formed by the collision of all colours of previous experience. As humans we are merely a collage of influence— a palate of watercolours through…
Expression & Culture
It’s Not A Joke; Cassette Tapes Are Experiencing A Modern Revival
BY: ALEXANDER DOWNHAM When I saw local bands handing cassette tapes to audiences, I was initially dumbfounded. The well-known resurgence of vinyl was understandable; their full, original sound was well-known among music fanatics. But the rise of cassettes seemed to…
Eating Live Fish Might Just Be The Most Sadistic Meal On Earth (Video)
BY: TED BARNABY Ying Yang fish and Ikizukuri are delicacies in China and Japan, respectively. If you’re ever in the neighbourhood and feeling adventurous, these dishes are guaranteed to be the freshest seafood you’ve ever eaten. And I’m not talking…
People of Toraja, Indonesia Unearth Corpses, Give Them Makeovers and Walk Them Through Town
BY: PILGRIM In the region of Toraja in South Sulawesi—a province in Indonesia—lives the tradition of Ma’nene, or The Ceremony of Cleaning Corpses. During the ritual, 100-year-old corpses are dug up, cleaned off, re-clothed and sent out to hit the…
Raëlians believe that alien scientists designed humans. I went to one of their meetings.
BY: EMMA MCINTOSH I’m 15 minutes early for the November Raëlian meditation gathering. I have no idea what to expect. Aside from a few visits to church as a kid, I’ve never attended a spiritual meeting, let alone one for…
Forget Everything You’ve Heard: Satanism Sounds More Like Activism Than Blasphemy
BY: MICHAEL LYONS Satanists are making their way into our schools! Satanists are out to get our children! Satanists are trying to convert our nation’s kids to the dangerous, infective belief in critical thought… oh, the humanity! This isn’t an…
Peaches in panties: How peaches became the sexiest fruit on earth
BY: SINEAD MULHERN Mr. Yao might just be the world’s…ahem…cheekiest fruit vendor. The Chinese owner of online fruit shop, Fruit Hunters, has become famous for dressing up peaches in mini panties to sell as novelty items for Qixi – China’s…
How To Record Heavy Guitar Part 2
This week, Glenn teaches headbangers to properly dial a guitar amp so their recordings don’t torture listeners with a sound like the static noise of a broken car radio. This is probably the most overlooked aspect of recording, some guitarists…
BY: AL DONATO She’s sung on David Letterman, starred in Toyota and Domino’s commercials, was featured in Playboy, has legions of fans attending her concerts– and she’s not real. Hatsune Miku, known as the world’s most famous virtual diva, hails…
How The Hipster Ruined The Hipster
BY: RYAN BOLTON “Angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night.” —Allen Ginsberg, Howl I’m not a hipster. But I wouldn’t say I’m not a hipster either. Here’s why: I stand…
Honest Gear Reviews #1 – Torpedo Live
BY: THE PLAID ZEBRA Brutally honest advice for musicians who actually play instruments. In a time where every jerk-off who can count a quarter-note kick beat and watch a youtube auto-tune tutorial considers themselves a “producer”, Glenn Fricker cuts through the…
Collective Arts Craft Beer Will Get You Drunk On Art
BY: TED BARNABY Creativity and alcohol are a lot like peanut butter and jam. Matt is the owner and founder of Collective Arts Brewing, a craft brewery on a bold mission to bring creativity back into the conversation. Instead of…
These Photos Show A Veteran Stained By A War Most Have Forgotten
BY: DAVID LUNDARK Longing For Love, is the story of a war veteran orphaned by history. The Korean War is also known as the “Forgotten War”. Korea had been controlled by the Japanese Empire, up until 1945 when they surrendered…
Hilotrons: This Band Scores Movies Live For The Most Realistic Cinematic Experience Possible
BY: LAURA ROJAS With a sound reminiscent of a lonely prom night, Hilotrons’ music manages to carry feeling and experience that’s hard to find in a musical landscape of bass drops and swag rap. Based out of Ottawa, the band…
Cat Cafés Just Saved Winter For Everyone
BY: SINEAD MULHERN Get ready for the purr-fect coffee date. With the days getting shorter and the evenings getting frostier, there’s perhaps no better way to spend a late-fall day than with a cup of cocoa in your hand and…
4chan Turned Me Gay
BY: AL DONATO Two guys in horse masks fucking on webcam. Someone gushing about places to buy binders online. Several people sharing their experiences in gay bars. Everyone, anonymous and faceless. This used to be my typical Friday night. As…
Stella Ella Ola Says “We Are Not Giving F*cks Where No F*cks Should Be Given”.
BY: VANESSA NIGRO Since drunkenly deciding to start a band one fated New Year’s Eve night two and half years ago, Stella Ella Ola has since toured around Southern Ontario playing shows for their beloved fans, and produced their first…
This Guy Turned His House Into A Concert Venue To Revive The Starving All-Ages Music Scene
BY: ALEX DOWNHAM After a “slump” in London, Ontario’s music scene, local Preston Ell has morphed his own house into Satan’s Cove, the city’s smallest all-ages venue. Inspired by the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) movement, Ell’s bungalow – home to three others…
Introducing Raw Chicken Alcohol… And You Thought Bacon Vodka Was Disgusting?
BY: SINÉAD MULHERN Prepare your stomachs: Pechuga Mezcal is giving meat lovers and tequila worm warriors a whole new kind of party-challenge. This Mexican spirit is somewhat similar to tequila in that the agave plant is a primary ingredient in…