BY: NADIA ZAIDI The Great Lakes are an endangered resource. Growing up, I was one of those kids who thought the environment wasn’t my problem. Who cares if I won’t be around to witness the season’s shift? But I eventually…
This solar power water filter revolutionizes third world drinking
Water, water, everywhere and not a drop to drink. So writes Samuel Taylor in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. While that poem was talking about disaster at sea, it’s certainly clear that we’re all living on a sinking ship…
Portable, eco-friendly water filter is designed to provide clean water to millions
BY: SHAWNTAE HARRIS Clean water is something everyone should have access to. Unfortunately this is not the reality. One Swedish engineering company has created a portable, eco-friendly water purification filter for emergency purposes. KTH Royal Institute of Technology created a…
Easy garden: these plants water themselves with clay pot
If you’re the type of person who never wants to water the plants, this is the plant for you. The forgetful task of maintaining a full garden is now figured out. Clayola is a device that injects water into the…
RiverBlue exposes how the denim industry is ruining fresh water
BY: SHAWNTAE HARRIS Flashy sale signs hang on the window of a retail store while customers browse through new pairs of jeans. But, little do they know that the new pair of blue washed denim jeans they’re checking out is…
Nets that can capture water out of thin air have huge influence on the world’s driest regions
BY: BROOKLYN PINHEIRO The Atacama Desert is the driest place on earth. You may recognize it from Space Odyssey: Voyage to the Planets where its desolate appearance was a convincible substitute for Mars. The region in northern Chile sees an…
Really chill ways to do your part for the planet in 2017
BY RHIANN MOORE Although little gestures often seem futile when people in power can’t be bothered to do their part, they can actually make a huge difference in maintaining the environment and lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Here are some basic…
This Oregon community will vote has voted to ban the greedy bottled water industry from taking its water
By: Jack M. Hood River County (population, 20,000) is a sleepy community in picturesque Oregon with a total area of just over 500 square miles, making it one of the smallest counties in Oregon State. Situated in the Columbia…
Drinking almond milk might just make you an asshole
BY: STEFANIE PHILLIPS Whether you’re in a ritzy Starbucks in the nice end of town or at your local fair trade coffee shop, overhearing someone ask the barista for almond milk to douse in their morning coffee has become the…
The Feds are being sued for turning a blind eye to Nestlé’s drought crimes
BY: TYLER FYFE If you found yourself walking though the pines of San Bernardino National Forest, you would also find yourself stumbling upon metal scaffolding and a 4-inch stainless steel pipe. The pipe stretches from Strawberry Creek to a Nestlé…
Design student invents a contraption that creates water from thin air
BY: AYA TSINTZIRAS An industrial design student in Vienna has created a product that uses the air’s moisture to fill a water bottle attached to a bike, but he has higher hopes than just fuelling bike riders travelling long distances:…
New edible water blobs are an environmentally-friendly alternative to plastic bottles
BY: DANIEL KORN Everyone pretty much agrees that bottled water is awful. Aside from the ludicrousness of being sold a natural resource for 1,000 times the cost of getting it from a tap, the phenomenon comes with an astounding number…
This water filtration straw allows you to drink the world’s dirtiest water like a juice box (Video)
BY: KHADIJA KHAN Imagine sipping dirty water filled with feces, bacteria, disease and dead insects but instead tasting pure, clean, filtered water. Instant filtration is impossible, right? Now the LifeStraw by Vestergaard is rapidly changing the way we think about water…