2020 has been a real sunavabitch. It’s not news, it’s hardly even worth the breath it takes to point that out anymore. Nonetheless, it’s been an undeniably overwhelming time for most. More than ever, folks are realizing how necessary a little…
A marijuana company is turning this 19th century ghost town into a stoner’s paradise
American Green has created the chillest Westworld park yet – by turning an abandoned ghost town from the 19th century into a Marijuana Elysium. An abandoned town called Nipton, which sits in the middle of nowhere, in the state of…
Welcome to Valhalla: The eco-friendly movement devoted entirely to freedom culture
BY: ERIK HUSTON Far away from the mischief and mania of parallel/reality TV, soap opera politics and the old cliche of runaway consumerism, there is a new world emerging of literal lavender and horticulture seeping its way across borders. In…
9 things to see and do on a scenic Niagara River Parkway road trip
BY: JENN FRENCH Niagara Falls — it’s not a destination that many people associate with peaceful vistas and quiet countryside. Instead, you might be thinking of crowds of tourists and cheesy attractions in the Clifton Hill District. But a road…
A guide to travelling the world and having thrilling adventures on a small budget
BY: DAN CHABERT Travelling is one of the most exciting adventures out there that everyone should try at least once in their life. The excitement of venturing into a whole different culture is a great feeling; experiencing different weather, environments,…
Damn right, I’ve Got The Post-Vacation Blues
BY: Taylor On A Trip On the road I feel like a better version of myself, a freer version. Things happen when you take yourself outside of your comfort zone in only a way that travel can give you. Every time…
Tired of staying at hotels in the concrete jungle? Try staying at a treehouse hotel in a real jungle.
By: JACK M. Many of us do it once or even twice a year—we go on vacation. And travelling to a new state or province, or even to a new country, is as much a part of the experience…
Is a luxury resort on a concentration camp site in bad taste?
BY: CAROLINE ROLF Picture yourself relaxing on an island in the Adriatic Sea, with your finest Hawaiian shirt on and a mojito in hand. You’ll be sure to send a letter to your family from the luxury resort. Picking a…
This glass couple’s hotel hangs on a cliff face 400 ft. above Peru’s Sacred Valley
BY: DANIEL WATERBOURNE While the breakfast buffets, chlorine pools and tourist tan lines of all-inclusive resorts hugging the equator might be the ideal couple’s getaway for some—there are those who are drawn to vacations that are a little less conventional.…
Want to chase the tail of adventure? Here are 6 realistic destinations for your broke ass
BY: ZOE MELNYK Have you ever looked at someone who travels for a living and thought, how is this possible? The answer isn’t magic, it isn’t a giant trust fund, and it isn’t winning the lottery. The truth is that…
Why staying with locals will always be better than staying at an all-inclusive resort
BY: SINEAD MULHERN The bartender pops the cap off a Heineken and sets it down in front of me. The green bottles behind him sit like a row of bowling pins each with a different city printed on its label.…