BY: QUENTIN STUCKEY On a cold November afternoon in 2014, my graduating class and I gathered in our high school cafeteria for a Graduation Information assembly. Suddenly the moment that we had been anticipating for four long years was now…
It’s time to stop making women undergo virginity testing for higher education
BY: AISHA ILYAD Being a virgin is apparently a condition for acceptance for girls looking to attend university in Egypt. Elhamy Agina, an Egyptian member of parliament, wants all Egyptian girls to undergo compulsory “virginity tests” prior to recieving admission…
The Grey School of Wizardry is the real-life Hogwarts of your childhood dreams
BY: JESSICA BEUKER If you were the type of child who checked the mail daily, or waited patiently by the front door, only to subsequently be disappointed by the tragic realization that your Hogwarts letter might never actually arrive –…
Answering the question, “What’s next after school?”
By: Adrian Smith I keep hearing, “What’s next for you?” this semester, “What’re you planning after school?” And all I’ve come up with so far is “Sleep.” It’s a tough question to answer, especially when it implies job direction—stepping into…
This entrepreneur will pay you $100,000 to drop out of college
BY: CAROLINE ROLF According to PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel, the key to achieving a successful business quickly is by skipping college, and he’ll pay you to do it. The Thiel Foundation is offering $100,000 fellowships to entrepreneurs under 22 to…
This institute of higher learning guarantees employment, or you get your tuition refunded
By: JACK M. As a technology, the Internet is about half a century old, but the World Wide Web, which is sometimes inaccurately assumed to be synonymous with the Internet, has only been around for a generation or so.…
This study found that colleges have more earning power than universities
BY: ALEX BROWN As many high-school teachers are keen to point out to the shocked faces of the classroom, the immediate employment rates of university graduates are lower than those of college graduates. And as a new study reveals, when…
It’s time to stop pretending college is the key to a well-paying job
BY: ADRIAN SMITH There’s still a lot of value in attending college or university these days, but not in the same way it used to be. Not in terms of earning good money by landing a well-paying job, the way…
This college student saved $8,000 a year by building his own dorm in the woods
BY: JESSICA BEUKER Imagine there is no electricity, and no running water. There are no cell phones, laptops, or televisions—no honking cars or blazing sirens. In the woods you would be one with nature, living simply and focusing on self-fulfillment,…
Why Americans should be jealous of Finland’s wildly progressive education system
BY: DANIEL KORN Much has been made of Finland’s incredibly successful education system. In the 1960s, faced with economic turmoil after a series of smaller wars throughout the World War II years, Finnish Parliament made the wise realization that the…
Meet the 10-year-old prodigy who is on track to receive a PhD by age 13
BY: ZOE MELNYK Esther Okade, like many 10-year-olds, enjoys playing outside and dressing up as her favourite characters from the movie Frozen, but she also happens to be enrolled in her first year of University. Growing up in Walsall,…
After 4 years and $60,000 of debt, I realized university is overrated
BY: JESSICA BEUKER For most of my life I never imagined going to university. At a young age, being as dramatic and theatrical as a kid could be, I wanted to be an actress. At the very least I’d perform…
Why you should travel before you commit to school
BY ROB HOFFMAN The phrase “I just wanna get my degree under my belt, but I’m going to do a ton of traveling after university” gets passed around amongst university students more often than a joint at a Tommy Chong barbecue.…