Esther Okade, like many 10-year-olds, enjoys playing outside and dressing up as her favourite characters from the movie Frozen, but she also happens to be enrolled in her first year of University.
Growing up in Walsall, an industrial town in the UK, Okade is one of Britain’s youngest college freshmen ever.
Okade enrolled at the Open University in the UK this past January and is already top of her class after recently receiving 100 percent on a math exam.
The plan is to finish her course in two years, receive a PhD by the age of 13, and own a bank by the age of 15.
Okade hoped to enroll in university sooner, but there was concern from her parents about letting their daughter attend college at such a young age. However, Esther was persistent and finally received permission to apply to university once she reached double digits.
On top of achieving her personal goals, Okade is also working to help other students develop their math skills by writing a series of math workbooks called “Yummy Yummy Algebra.”
Esther Okade has been accepted to study for a university math degree
The series begins with simple mathematic skills such as addition and subtraction, but Okade plans to reach up to four books, increasing the difficulty level with each volume. The goal is to help other students reach their full potential.
This success does not come as much of a surprise, especially since Okade’s advanced math abilities started to become apparent when she was just three-years-old.
Shortly after enrolling her daughter in private school, Efe quickly realized that Esther was not thriving in the school’s environment and decided to try homeschooling. By the age of four, Esther was already learning about algebra and quadratic equations.
By the time she was six, Esther was prepared to take her first Math GSCE exam, a British high school academic qualification generally taken by students aged 14-16. Esther received a C-grade, but returned the following year more prepared and got the A-grade she had been hoping for.
Now, three years later, Esther is finally enrolled in university and well on her way to reaching her goals of owning her own business and becoming a millionaire.
Esther isn’t the only child prodigy in the family, her younger brother Isaiah is following close behind in his sister’s footsteps.
At the age of six, Isaiah is already learning calculus and advanced algebra. He is scheduled to take his first A-level exam this June.
While dealing with their two child prodigies, Esther’s and Isaiah’s parents have also found time to open up a nursery and primary school called “Shakespeare Academy” in Nigeria’s Delta region.
With their exceptional genes and ambitious minds, the Okade family has the potential to revolutionize the world of education.