8 Alternative Degrees that will Land you a Job in Tech

For many years now, the tech sector, especially the Mississauga IT services, has been one of the most lucrative industries in the world. But with so many job openings and so few available, it can be hard to know where…

FLTR: The Photo Editing App for Creators

FLTR is the latest addition to the mobile photography app world. It is designed to empower you “the creator” to be creative and express your own uniqueness. FLTR is free to download, with in-app purchases you can make to unlock…

Video gamers might be the next generation of pilots

Put down that controller! It’s a refrain that we’ve probably heard many times in our lives. Stop fiddling with your phone! You can’t play that video game right now, you’ve got homework to do! It’s no surprise that for a…

This hybrid vehicle is getting an eco-upgrade by incorporating solar panels into the roof

Solar engineering has always been about space in some capacity. Not just outer space – though solar panels definitely got their start high above Earth, in an airless, cloudless vacuum. These days, solar engineering involves the other kind of space:…

Flip phones are back – but they’ve got a bit of an upgrade

BY AILEEN ZANGOUEI Approximately 2.1 billion people are smart-phone users on a global scale. You see them just about anywhere you go, whether it’s on the subway during your morning commute, the grocery store, or at the gym. You can’t…

A lack of real world connections is turning us all into entitled douchebags

BY: NADIA ZAIDI  We know that chivalry is more or less dead. But now it seems like chivalry’s well-known cousin, manners, has followed close behind. I am really surprised by the amount of people who walk around with their heads…

Scientists used a snail to prove they can successfully erase memories from the brain

Humans are fallible. We’ve all goofed up over the years in ways large and small. Who could forget, for instance, accidentally calling your teacher “Mom?” Or maybe you accidentally let slip that you know a little too much about the…

The world’s fastest camera provides the most epic slo-mo experience ever captured

Humans are a visual species. From our earliest days, we’ve expressed a fixated obsession with capturing that which cannot ever truly be pinned down. Our earliest ancestors covered cave walls with frozen depictions of the hunt. Renaissance painters labored for…

Are Mobile Devices the Key to Sustainability?

BY: JENN FRENCH Typically, conversations related to mobile devices and sustainability are focused on the damage that our reliance on cellphones and tablets is doing to the environment. It’s undoubtedly a concern; after all, anywhere between 20 and 50 million…

This dystopian device will alert you when you’re communicating with other robots

In Terminator, killer robots from the future send one of their number back in time to our present, intending to kill a rebel leader before he can overthrow their mechanical hegemony. The “Terminator” unit they deploy, so memorably played by…

New study suggests that smartphones reduce brain power even while turned off

BY: NADIA ZAIDI  A new study says that the mere presence of your smartphone reduces brain power, even if the device is turned off. Researchers at the McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas conducted experiments with around…

New anti-bullying robots prevent verbal abuse among gamers

Playing video games is an intense experience. How many times have gamers felt the rush of exuberance as they take down the final boss, the nail-biting tension of stalking through a dangerous encounter zone, the flicker of rage as you…

Facebook is turning you into a narcissist

BY: PHILIPPE DE JOCAS Who likes a narcissist? Between their self-obsession, callous disregard for the feelings and opinions of others, and inclination towards reckless and sometimes sociopathic behaviors, the answer is simple: only one person – themselves! Are you a…

Robots will soon be able to perform colonoscopies

BY: NADIA ZAIDI  I’m surprised that Robots haven’t yet replaced humans. From jobs to performance, they have beaten us at our own game. Ironically, humans make them, and apparently a little too well. You don’t need a surgeon’s steady hand…

Move towards environmental sustainability with these 10 inventions

The concept of environmental sustainability isn’t new. With the risk of sounding like a broken record, for the benefit of those who are unaware, sustainability simply using resources available to our benefit while making sure there will still be enough for the future…

Selfie pictures: this is what your selfies say about you

 BY: PHILIPPE DE JOCAS In the spring of 2012, a strange new trend slowly began to creep into the fabric of our society. Like some sort of infectious virus, gradually gaining more and more steam, this odd behavioural pattern soon…

Benefits of tea: study shows new use for green tea

BY: DUSTIN BATTY At this point, green tea is practically considered a panacea, a cure-all with no limit to its health benefits. The University of Maryland Medical Center website says studies have shown that green tea contains polyphenols, powerful antioxidants…

Cyborg cockroaches called biobots are the latest search and rescue technology

BY: DUSTIN BATTY Rescuing survivors from a collapsed structure is an extremely dangerous endeavour. Because of the uncertain stability of the disaster area, rescue efforts are risky for everyone involved. The rescuers are in danger of falling through an unstable…

Musk and Bostrom’s computer simulation theory isn’t as crazy as it first sounds

BY: DUSTIN BATTY As augmented reality and virtual reality technology continues to improve, concerns have arisen that in the future, we won’t be able to tell what is real and what is computer-generated. According to some people—including well-known innovator, inventor,…

Flying cars expected to be commercially available by the end of the decade

BY: DUSTIN BATTY The Jetsons has been giving kids dreams of flying cars since the ’60s, but the reality of aerocar technology has always been considered part of that vague, hopeful era known only as “the future.” Well, the future…