The next evolution of birth control is moving beyond the pill

In 1839, Charles Goodyear came up with a simple rubber invention that changed everything. Not the tire – that had already been around for years before. No, this small rubber flap was the world’s first condom: a simple, snug-fitting device…

The harrowing culture of Bacha Bazi – where young boys are auctioned to the highest bidder for sex

BY: NADIA ZAIDI  The trafficking of young girls and women is a global human rights violation, but in Afghanistan young boys are exclusively the targets of sex slavery.  It’s an underground world that operates in secrecy from misguided extremism, and is gaining…

The contraceptive debate: IUDs vs. birth control pills

Birth control: because you don’t want to get pregnant. Okay, so that was a brash generalization because as most of us know, birth control can be used for purposes other than baby prevention. Once you’ve decided to go on birth…

The sexuality rainbow: a colourful and educational glossary

BY: NADIA ZAIDI  Recently, a close friend of mine told me that she was trisexual. I paused for a minute, and hoping not to offend her by my silence (which was actually a thought-pause), I blurted: what’s trisexual? The rational…

7 tried and true ways to improve or maintain your romantic relationship(s)

Often, unwanted tension in relationships can be avoided, or at the very least reduced. This is not to say that conflict is the worst thing ever, in fact, it is sometimes necessary, but often enough it is easier than you…

My training as a sexological bodyworker brought me home to my body

BY: CAITLIN ROBERTS  Featured photo by Adrianne Pennings “How would you like to be touched?” I take a fulfilling breath and exhale loudly. “Mmmmmm. I’d like you to lightly trace your finger tips all over my entire body. Very slowly. You…

Addyi, the female sex drug, will be relaunched in the US

BY: SHAWNTAE HARRIS  Women – imagine taking one little pill and one hour later being blown off your feet. Imagine your sexual experiences being filled with “intensive” and “frequent” orgasms. Men have Viagra, but right now Canadian women with low…

This feminist photographer is redefining beauty standards (NSFW)

We live in a society that puts women’s bodies in the middle of repression. Women are faced with certain aesthetic standards and continuously fed ideas that we are simply not good enough. Nor will we ever be. Maria Ribeiro, a Brasil-based…

The case for all porn to be feminist porn

BY: BROOKLYN PINHEIRO If you’re a woman who’s ever had sex with a man and it ended when he came, without any further effort towards your orgasm, you have experienced sex in the same way as every women I’ve ever…

U of T study shows belief in sexual destiny leads to disappointing sex

BY BROOKLYN PINHEIRO Think back to the first time you had sex. I’m gonna take a chance and say it was not your best performance to date. However long and however many sexual encounters since that fateful day you’ve likely…

Fully-nude body positivity workshops helped me get over my body insecurities (NSFW)

BY: JESSICA BEUKER “Everybody get naked.” I glance around the room as nine women—nine strangers—start to take off their clothes. I apprehensively do the same. Heads are bowed towards the floor as we all silently lift our shirts. I glance…

These new sex toys are the reason why you’ll never get a boyfriend (NSFW)

BY: DUSTIN BATTY The next generation of sex toys for both men and women will take a huge technological leap from those that came before it. These new models will have a degree of realism reminiscent of HBO’s Westworld. From…

Sexual aggression isn’t hot

BY: NADIA ZAIDI  I don’t know many women who enjoy being manhandled. Yet somehow female characters on television and in movies find this turns them on. Don’t get me wrong. E.L. James’ Fifty Shades of Grey sold over 100 million…

Germany wants their disabled citizens to get laid and they’ll cover the cost

  BY: SAMANTHA TAPP What do you consider human necessities? Eating, drinking water and sleeping, probably. If that was your list, you’re forgetting about something else: sex. No, you don’t need it to survive (well, some might argue otherwise), but…

These crazy sex studies give a little more insight on the female orgasm

BY: SAMANTHA TAPP You don’t need any convincing from science to have sex. You don’t need to be told it’s good for your physical health or your mental health for you to want to get laid. You know it’s natural,…

The bullshit reasons why contraceptives are so expensive

BY: CHARLOTTE LEFAVE There have been countless debates in countries all over the world on the costs of contraceptives for women. Prices are sky high and getting a hold of these products is an infamously awkward and time-consuming experience. Condoms,…

According to your brain, having a religious experience is equivalent to snorting a line of cocaine

BY: SAMANTHA TAPP The relentless battle between science and religion is one that may never end. But a new study is combining the two to try and answer questions that have been around for millennia. The results mean science and…

Male birth control is abandoned after men complain about negative side effects that women face daily

BY: SAMANTHA TAPP Birth control has always been a woman’s responsibility since its first ever approval as an oral contraceptive in the United States in 1960. Giving women the opportunity to control pregnancy was revolutionary, and has only grown in…

10 unknown natural aphrodisiacs that will make you horny AF

BY: SIMON An aphrodisiac acts as a catalyst to enhance one’s sexual performance by stimulating his or her sexual desire. Poor sexual drive can severely impact one’s quality of life and can manifest itself in the form of strained relationships,…

The dirty, dangerous reality of anti-prostitution laws

BY: CHARLOTTE LEFAVE Sex Work: the ultimate cultural taboo. Some are completely opposed to it, while others only care when it personally effects them. But what would the result be if it was completely banned? Sex workers are too often…