Natural Ways to Feel Better During the COVID-19 Lockdown

It doesn’t look like COVID-19 is going anywhere. There are already new strains that have been discovered in the UK, the US, and elsewhere. Vaccines may slow it down, but it’s likely that people will be locked down, told to…

What to pack for a long-distance bike trip

BY: RHIANN MOORE Whether you go with a group, a buddy, or fly solo, long-distance bike trips can be great experiences. Unfortunately, without the right gear, they can also be terrible. While there are the obvious essentials (tent, sleeping bag,…

5 cool and unusual bicycle designs

Tired of turning the corner and seeing someone riding the exact same bike as you? There are plenty of unique bicycles you can buy to cement your individuality on the road. Not only are these bikes ridiculously eye-catching and well-made,…

Underwater Yoga is good for your mind, body, and it looks absolutely mesmerizing

BY: NADIA ZAIDI Yoga is one of the most powerful tools for relaxation and exercise. But did you know that you don’t necessarily need solid ground to do it? Aquatic yoga is the practice of doing yoga underwater. It sounds…

Easy tips to help you stay fit and healthy while traveling

Staying fit and healthy while traveling, especially during long trips, involves so much more than just being active. Feeling your best on the road involves a balance of activity, rest and relaxation, eating right, and self-reflection. Here are some great…

5 steps to better mental health

BY: NADIA ZAIDI  Mental health requires nourishment and nurturing. We often take it for granted. Magic pills aren’t the solution, and therapy is the beginning to a whole new lifestyle change. There are simple, yet crucial things you can do…

‘Exercise pill’ boosts athletic endurance by 70 percent

Let’s be honest here for a moment – few people like exercise. Sure, it’s regularly touted as the be-all end-all for many of the modern health woes that plague our society. It’s clear that many of our health woes could…

A gym full of beds has members nap to lose weight

BY: NADIA ZAIDI  I don’t know about you, but I would much rather relax than go to the gym. Not sure how many people feel the same way. Ha! Okay, most of us are unanimous on working out, especially when it…

UNICEF’s Kid Power fitness tracker tackles obesity and malnutrition at the same time

BY: ELIJAH BASSETT One of the darkest ironies of modern capitalism is that we in industrialized nations have more food than we know what to do with, while many people living in the Global South still struggle with malnutrition.  But…

England’s bizarre new workout trend is nude exercise classes (NSFW)

BY: SAMANTHA TAPP Photos via Solent News The hardest part of going to a fitness class is actually going to a fitness class. But, you’re on your new year, new me wave and working out is in the game plan.…

Beer yoga is a thing now and it’s the only meditation you’ll ever need

BY: SAMANTHA TAPP Photos via BIERYOGA/FACEBOOK What better way to relax and reminisce on the hard week that has passed than with a cold beer in hand. Maybe your first beer of the night is after you’ve indulged your mind and…

Dark days & shitty mood: Simple ways to kick Seasonal Affective Disorder’s ass

BY: CHARLOTTE LEFAVE The days get shorter, we all get paler, you can’t seem to stay in bed long enough to soothe the bags under your eyes, and on top of that everyone around you has come down with some…

6 easy steps teach you to confidently love yourself in a society where criticism is fashionable (Video)

BY: EDITOR Why do we continue to compare ourselves to that which we are not? The answer tends to bounce back and forth between inspiration and self-flagellation. While this comparison used to be exclusive to public space and popular culture,…

New labels that show how much exercise is needed to burn off junk food will change how you eat

BY: SWIKAR OLI The Royal Society for Public Health, a leading independent British public health charity, is calling for food to come with packaging labels showing the amount of activity required to burn the calories it contains. The updated packages…

Don’t Get It Backwards: Harvard Professor Proves The Quickest Road To Success Is Happiness.

BY: PILGRIM The belief that success is the predecessor of happiness is the carrot-on-a-stick which dangles at the forefronts of many of our lives. The old thought reverberating in our minds, “If I could only achieve ______, I would be…