BY: NADIA ZAIDI When people ask me what I do for a living I often find it a difficult question, and not because I don’t have a job — because I don’t think of what I do as work, per…
New film puts one of the most gritty, honest and controversial artists in the spotlight
BY: JESSICA BEUKER “For over 50 years Robert Cenedella has been the art world’s worst kept secret.” Robert Cenedella was never interested in doing things the so-called traditional way. A bit of a rebel by nature, Cenedella attended the High…
This man escaped the Iron Curtain in a DIY plane and now lives in an airplane hangar in the desert
To escape the wrath of the Iron Curtain during the 80s Ivo Zdarsky took things into his own hands. He built his own aircraft, flew into Austria where he was granted asylum and eventually decided to pursue a career in the…
The simple childhood practice that will sharpen your memory and heighten your creativity
By: JACK M. Information overload. Permanently connected. Pressure to conform. Addiction to social media, e-mailing, texting, tweeting, re-tweeting, liking and sharing. These are just a few of the oft-quoted reasons tossed around in today’s hyper-connected world that point to the…
The fundamental guide to leading a more creative life
By: Adrian Smith Ever wondered what it takes to be more creative? This infographic by Pop Chart Lab offers a complete guide to making your inner genius your greatest on-the-job asset. It’s filled with both conventional and completely ridiculous ways…
Six Contradictory Characteristics of a Creative
By: Adrian Smith Earlier this week I came across a book written by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, professor of psychology at the Quality of Life Research Center in Claremont. In Creativity: Flow and The Psychology of Discovery and Invention, he marvels at…
Watch non-creative workers react when they’re asked to work for “exposure” (like creatives)
BY: EDITOR For young creatives, the words “opportunity” and “exposure” have become standard forms of compensation despite the fact that it’s not exactly a currency that will pay your rent or expand your diet from multivitamins and Ramen noodles. So…
Why do Artists Have to be Poor and Fucked Up? A Portrait of Author Andrew Kaufman
BY: AYA TSINTZIRAS Andrew Kaufman writes in a notebook, seated at a tiny circular table in a courtyard. The tiles below him are stone, and the building above him is beige stucco. It’s a mere façade, though, standing above a…
Could alcohol abuse and sleep deprivation be the keys to creativity?
BY: PILGRIM For some reason, exceptional creativity seems to gravitate towards the minds of the sleepless and the alcohol-abusive. The question has always been that of the chicken and the egg: did the booze inspire the genius, or did the…