A devious penis is running wild through the streets of Norway and showering people in gold.
So maybe it’s not so much an actual anatomically correct penis, but a guy in very phallic-like dress.
The stunt is a part of Norwegian sexual health charity, RFSU’s campaign that aims to tackle Norway’s high STD rate.
In 2012 the Norwegian Institute of Public Health reported there had been over 21,000 cases of Chlamydia that had been diagnosed that year. In Canada in 2011, there were over 100,000 cases diagnosed. Considering the fact that Canada’s population around 2013 was seven times as large as Norway’s, 35.16 million compared to 5.084 million, Norway definitely had the higher rate of infection.
The campaign features the punch line, “Tiss kan overraske,” or “Penis can surprise you” and, as seen in the video, there is a man in a larger than life penis suit running around and spraying people with gold confetti. Very surprising to the unsuspecting victims indeed, especially because each spraying is followed by a loud grunt.
The man in the suit, 19 year old Philip van Eck, told Norway’s Tønsberg Blad newspaper, “I thought it was hilarious. If I can help others, just by being a dick, there is nothing better.”
Sexual health charities have come a long way in terms of making sexual health PSAs that are not so disturbing you want to gouge your eyes out. Since the people featured in the video do look genuinely surprised to be attacked by a gigantic dick, maybe comedy is the way to go when trying to convince people to put a glove on it for the sake of sexual health.