Birth control: because you don’t want to get pregnant. Okay, so that was a brash generalization because as most of us know, birth control can be used for purposes other than baby prevention. Once you’ve decided to go on birth…
7 tried and true ways to improve or maintain your romantic relationship(s)
Often, unwanted tension in relationships can be avoided, or at the very least reduced. This is not to say that conflict is the worst thing ever, in fact, it is sometimes necessary, but often enough it is easier than you…
Addyi, the female sex drug, will be relaunched in the US
BY: SHAWNTAE HARRIS Women – imagine taking one little pill and one hour later being blown off your feet. Imagine your sexual experiences being filled with “intensive” and “frequent” orgasms. Men have Viagra, but right now Canadian women with low…
The bullshit reasons why contraceptives are so expensive
BY: CHARLOTTE LEFAVE There have been countless debates in countries all over the world on the costs of contraceptives for women. Prices are sky high and getting a hold of these products is an infamously awkward and time-consuming experience. Condoms,…
10 unknown natural aphrodisiacs that will make you horny AF
BY: SIMON An aphrodisiac acts as a catalyst to enhance one’s sexual performance by stimulating his or her sexual desire. Poor sexual drive can severely impact one’s quality of life and can manifest itself in the form of strained relationships,…
Norway is getting a man in a penis suit to fake ejaculate on people for sexual health
BY: LISA CUMMING A devious penis is running wild through the streets of Norway and showering people in gold. So maybe it’s not so much an actual anatomically correct penis, but a guy in very phallic-like dress. The stunt is…
New STI-detecting condom that changes colour might sound like a better idea than it really is
BY: JESSICA BEUKER A new condom is stirring up colourful conversations about sexually transmitted infections and sexual health. The S.T. EYE is an innovative concept that works by changing colour if an STI is detected. Currently, the idea is nothing…