By: Jocelyn Schwalm
For decades the “cool” person in popular culture has often been free of flaws and effortless in their execution. Lately, this description has undergone a makeover. So often in media, celebrities are being praised for their perfection as opposed to their likability or substance. The new cool person is an enigma made up of various contrasting elements. The following traits demonstrate how the connotation surrounding the word cool has evolved to fit the values of millennials. The new cool is someone who is:
1) Subtly confident: Subtle confidence is the ability to make your presence known without being over-the-top. Subtle confidence is more or less respect for oneself. It effectively teaches others how to treat you. Those with subtle confidence don’t base self-worth on the opinions of others or constantly seek approval from others (based on a consensus of approved behaviors). They make their values clear with their actions, as opposed to their words. The absolute coolest people are those who don’t care about being cool and are able to show who they truly are at their core. Making the executive decision that their self-opinion carries more weight than that of a stranger is bold.
2) Humble/Self-Effacing: The new cool person is able to take what others say in stride, and accept compliments gracefully, without putting themselves down while trying to gain empty compliments. This trait is among the few that contribute to the quality of a person. The new cool does not have to show off to gain approval from others in order to feel good about themselves. They display a certain sheepishness with every compliment paid to them. This demonstrates their ability to recognize their strengths without being self-important.
3) Genuinely Kind: Genuine kindness, in my eyes, will always be one of the coolest traits. There is something so human about someone who is genuinely kind, and this is what connects us as people. Genuine kindness cannot be faked. It is borne out of people who have overcome hardships in their lives. There is something to be said for the people who have been to the depths of their soul, and come out a better person.
4) Empathetic: This trait goes hand-in-hand with genuine kindness, It is the ability to feel other people’s pain in an attempt to understand their struggles. I know from personal experience that telling someone you love them can be an amazing gift, but telling someone you understand their pain can be life changing. Empathetic people are cool because they make an attempt to meet you on a human level. There is truly no better feeling than being understood.
5) Has Depth/Substance: People who have depth to them have a story to tell. They feel a great spectrum of emotions and have been through a decent amount of hardships in their life. People of substance don’t concern themselves with the mundane experiences of life, and thrive on the uncomfortability of new experiences while growing from them. They’re those who aren’t afraid to take risks. People with depth know what it requires to live a meaningful life.
6) Positive: Positivity has the ability to make a great impact on the way we view individuals. There is something inherently unattractive about someone who is constantly pessimistic and refuses to change their situation. People who are positive are just better to be around, they give off great energy and are always able to make the best out of any given situation. Positive people are cool because in our modern day society it is so easy to be overwhelmed with constant negative news, but smiling in the face of adversity can set you apart.
7) A Good Listener: This is an important one. Most people don’t realize this, but they consistently wait for their turn to talk in every conversation, looking for a way to turn the conversation towards themselves. Nobody wants to be around someone who can’t take part in conversation without mentioning their latest accomplishments. Most people don’t realize how much they actually do this, and very few recognize the importance of listening. The few who actually do listen have the opportunity to learn so much more, and knowledge is one of the core values of every cool person.
8) A Good Communicator: Few people have this skill mastered because proper communication requires vulnerability, and opening oneself up to vulnerability can be tough, although true vulnerability unveils the lines of communication with another person. This is a cool trait because it alleviates the need to play games in a relationship. Someone who is open with communication knows that connection is much more meaningful than their ego.
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