Laughter yoga boosts the mind and helps you live longer

BY: NADIA ZAIDI  Who doesn’t enjoy a good laugh? Most of us will do anything to rouse laughter in ourselves or others. It’s probably one of the greatest human pleasures – and now it’s being used as a form of…

This new yoga challenge is taking over social media (video)

BY: NADIA ZAIDI Have you tried the new yoga challenge? People all over the Internet have been attempting difficult yoga poses in a pair of leggings, either on their own or with a friend or partner. I have chosen to…

Yoga poses for beginners

BY: NADIA ZAIDI  I can barely stand on one leg without toppling over, let alone master those complex yoga poses – or so I thought. Through my research on yoga, and some of my not-so-graceful attempts at it, I’ve learned a…

Yoga apps that will help you stay on track

BY: NADIA ZAIDI  Our phones are like compasses that navigate us through life. Most of us use them as personal agendas, scheduling everything from work meetings to workout sessions – including yoga. The convenience and frugality that many apps for…