After 5,843 miles on the road, this couple discovered bus life isn’t easy, but it is magical (photos)

BY: SAMANTHA TAPP “For the past decade, I have made the road my home, I have traveled at different paces, on different budgets across many countries and continents.” Meet Matt Aidney, a New Zealand native who has spent the last…

This is the youngest American woman to ever travel across every country in the world

By: Zoe Melnyk For many of us, a big adventure is a summer in Europe or a mission trip in South America. In society, travel is seen as a luxury. It’s a vacation that, if you’re lucky enough, might happen…

Here are the safest (and most dangerous) places to explore around the world

By: Zoe Melnyk Every traveller and nomad likes to think they’re an expert on safety when it comes to travel. They know that South-East Asia isn’t as dangerous as people make it out to be. They know that Europe isn’t…

This revolutionary travel app will help you explore the world like a local

BY: CAROLINE KAMM We’ve all had almost perfect vacations and then we’ve had those trips that could have used some improvement. Sometimes things are simply out of your control, maybe it rained your whole beach vacation or your had your…

A backpacker’s guide to the diverse world of the South American Guianas

BY: ADAM THRUSH The Guianas (or ‘the Wild Coast,’ as it was once known) is a section of South America usually omitted from both long-term backpacking trips as well as short-term vacations. Located on the northern coast of the continent,…

Pack your bags and take a trip to Iceland

By: Zoe Melnyk With this video and a $99 plane ticket, I’m surprised I’m not in Iceland right now. WOW airlines released cheap flights to Iceland last year. Like a bus from Toronto to Detroit cheap. Since then, and even before then,…

Meet Jesse- the man who ditched his career to find happiness living on his bike

BY: JESSE DIXON On October 5th, 2015, I said goodbye to a relatively comfortable life in Sydney, Australia, and headed towards South America with a bicycle, a few plans, some untested gear and little else in the way of knowing…

Gun crimes, poverty and political instability: My adventures in Venezuela

BY: ADAM THRUSH Essentially all of Latin America has a reputation for street crime, gang warfare, and political instability. Of course it’s not accurate, and the citizens of these countries will be the first to tell you that. However, it…

Satisfy your craving for adventure with these breathtaking hikes from around the world

BY: JEFF HERNANDEZ Hiking is a great thing to do when it comes to weekend adventures. However, selecting the best location for hiking can be a difficult task. While you may be left disappointed by the fact that you don’t…

Top 8 apps for budget travelers

Doing research before traveling anywhere is obviously a must. You have to know where you’re going, what the exchange rate is, what the common language is, where the best places to eat are, and the list essentially never really ends.…

5 helpful tips to go on a road trip with your significant other (without killing each other)

BY: SAMANTHA TAPP It is possible. In fact I just completed my first road trip with my boyfriend and yes, we are still together. We decided to take travelling together to a new level by renting a mini van for…

Why you should ditch the bachelor’s degree and become a mountaineer instead

By: Zoe Melnyk While traveling through the vast and beautiful Canadian Rockies this summer, a friend informed me that, “Oh yeah, you can take an expedition course and become a trainer in basically anything you could possibly want that involves the…

There is a way to fulfill all of your travel cravings while being low on funds

If you do not have a significant amount of cash in your hands, but you wish to explore new worlds, there is a solution for your situation. Now, you can exchange your home trough websites like HomeExchange, IntervacHomeExchange, LoveHomeSwap, etc.…

Damn right, I’ve Got The Post-Vacation Blues

BY: Taylor On A Trip  On the road I feel like a better version of myself, a freer version. Things happen when you take yourself outside of your comfort zone in only a way that travel can give you. Every time…

I travelled an entire year on $1000 to find out what hitchhikers and train hoppers really think

BY: MIKE QUAIN Like many millennials, I grew up believing I could do anything I wanted. I suppose all children grow up believing they could do anything they want, but I think millennials are special in the way that the…

How I learned that being a full-time traveller isn’t always freedom and adventure

The moment I realized the dream was getting away from me, I was sitting in a Starbucks in Wrocław, Poland, a city with a name that sounds nothing like what you’d expect: vrat-swaf. We were on a long weekend trip…

How facing paralysis gave me the strength to face Kilimanjaro

BY: LOGAN LY ALL IMAGES BY: LOGAN LY I hear myself panting. I’m short of breath as I try to shift focus to my feet from the growling wind and the loud, panging pulse that bangs through my eardrums. The…

Bathe in the utter glory of this year’s best photography from travellers around the globe

BY: CONNOR BRIAN Self-determined and self-motivated, these travellers have embodied the words of Henry Miller, that “one’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” The following is a series of finalists from the annual photography…

Use this tax loophole to let the government fund your next trip around the world

BY: ZOE MELNYK It’s not a scam. That’s right, you won’t go to jail for this. But with the right criteria, you can get the government to fund your trip across the world. Before the comments start pouring in with…

Sex, drugs and open-highway—this time-lapse proves hitchhiking is the ultimate way to see America

BY: ROB HOFFMAN From Venice Beach, California to the coast of Maine—Benjamin Jenks traversed 5,000 miles across America to pursue his dream of seeing the country through the eyes of a hitchhiker. Aside from the obvious cost benefits of crossing…