BY: M. TOMOSKI If you’re going to keep threatening to leave the country over what is looking like less of a joke with each passing day, then you should consider finding a loving Canadian home…or a Canadian lover, perhaps?…
Meet the Republican Artist Ted Cruz Bankrolled then Abandoned
BY: M. TOMOSKI Ted Cruz is simply not one to make friends. The US Senator from Texas is widely known as the most hated man in Congress, and between old college roommates dragging out his seedy past and a room full…
Selling the Circus in Dixie: The South Carolina Primary promised a bloodbath and delivered lies
BY: M. TOMOSKI Jesus! The road weaved downhill for the last twelve miles, transport trucks threatened to flatten us against the sediment, and the sign at the end of the road read, “Jesus Saves!” as we left the Smokey Mountains…
Strange Days in Corn Country: Sunday Service with the Cult of Cruz
M. TOMOSKI A campaign organizer took the altar on Sunday afternoon to announce that anyone who parked at the shops across the street would have their vehicle towed. “Someone’s not a fan of Ted,” a member of the congregation said.…
It’s time to admit that Donald Trump can win…and that the alternative is just as terrifying
M. TOMOSKI With only weeks until the starting gun sounds off in Iowa, it’s time to face some hard truths. In particular, the truth we’ve all denied for months as we chanted, “Trump can’t win” into the wind like a…