This U.S. city is looking to brew its first 100% locally sourced beer

With unseasonably warm autumn temperatures casting a balmy breeze over green suburbs, it’s as though nature herself decided to give us a few extra weeks of summer. And with this perpetual summer – extra baseball games, shorts season projected to…

4 minimalism documentaries for every beginner

The concept of minimalism has been around for centuries but has only recently started picking up steam again, especially among the millennial demographic. The core concept of minimalism is focusing on what is really important in our lives by cutting loose…

This solar power water filter revolutionizes third world drinking

Water, water, everywhere and not a drop to drink. So writes Samuel Taylor in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. While that poem was talking about disaster at sea, it’s certainly clear that we’re all living on a sinking ship…

How to make your camping vehicle green for your next camping trip

BY: PHILIPPE DE JOCAS When you think of climate change, what immediate suspects come to mind? Coal mines and factories, certainly, but don’t forget trucks, heavy freight trains, and other diesel-fueled behemoths. They’ve all played a role in the global…

Zero-waste grocery stores are finally making their way to the U.S. and Canada

The average American creates 4.3 pounds of trash per day. That’s 1,569 pounds a year. With numbers like this, it’s no wonder our landfills are overflowing and our planet is suffering. One of the major pitfalls of living in a…

IKEA garden sphere: free plans for a sustainable garden

BY: SAMANTHA TAPP Photos via The Growroom IKEA just released free plans for a sustainable garden and it’s beautiful. It’s probably safe to say that you or someone you know have IKEA furniture in your home. If you have had the…

The Netherlands now has the world’s first completely wind powered trains

BY: RHIANN MOORE As of January 1, 2017, 600,000 daily commuters in the Netherlands have been traveling in complete carbon neutrality. This is because the Dutch NS trains now run on 1.2 billion kilowatt-hours of wind energy as a result…

This Alaskan woman built a beautiful tiny home in the forest and is offering the plans for free

BY: JESSICA BEUKER  The tiny house movement is growing. As more and more people switch to the innovative and environmentally-friendly homes they, in turn, become cheaper and easier to construct. DIY blogger and stay-at-home mom, Ana White, has built a…

These people live on self-sustainable floating islands

Just like our appliances, it can be good if we learned to unplug occasionally. Put down the cellphones, log off social media or just leave it all behind and join the Uru People who live on artificial self-sustainable floating islands…

Gorgeous vertical farm lets city-dwellers become self-sustaining gardeners

BY: JESSICA BEUKER Living in a small space often means sacrificing the garden. Without access to a backyard, or sometimes any outdoor space at all, such as a balcony, growing your own fruits and veggies isn’t an option. Even those…

Kelly Slater designs a sustainable clothing line from recycled fishing nets and plastic waste

BY: MATTHEW CHIN World champion surfer Kelly Slater is taking a stand on environmental protection by unveiling a sustainable clothing line made from recycled materials found in the ocean. Having been by the water for the majority of his life, he…

27-year-old designer quit Ralph Lauren to live in a van and build the treehouse of your dreams (Video)

Foster Huntington got into the blogging game in 2008, and has since amassed nearly a million Instagram followers on what is quite possibly America’s most inspiring photo and video blog. Though he was making moves as a successful designer for…