Tiny Houses: 10 inspiring tiny homes (photos)

BY: JESSICA BEUKER  The tiny house movement is characterized by the desire to live with fewer material items and less space, in order to make room for what really matters – friends and family, experiences, good health – and have…

10 amazing tiny homes from around the world (photos)

BY: JESSICA BEUKER 1. The Hobbit House Location: Wales, UK The hobbit house was built by Simon and Jasmine Dale for under $5,000 US. Carved into a hillside, the home was made using natural materials such as wood, mud and grass.…

Tiny house designs: Life Hacks

Perhaps one of the most important – and the most fun – parts of building your own tiny house is designing the interior. Not only is this where you get a chance to express and showcase your own personal style,…

10 best tiny homes in the USA (photos)

BY: JESSICA BEUKER  Whether buying, building or renting, there are a lot of things to consider when opting for a tiny home. Even though space is limited, it’s very easy to get creative with your tiny house design. From floating…