The truths and myths of minimalist living

The minimalist lifestyle, while appealing to many millennials, should be approached with an open and reasonable mindset. While anyone can adopt this lifestyle, it is more suitable to certain people. There are plenty of stereotypes about what constitutes minimalist living and…

4 minimalism documentaries for every beginner

The concept of minimalism has been around for centuries but has only recently started picking up steam again, especially among the millennial demographic. The core concept of minimalism is focusing on what is really important in our lives by cutting loose…

Pros and cons of adopting a minimalist lifestyle

At first, adopting a minimalist lifestyle doesn’t seem like a tall task. After all, you are, for the most part, simply going to clean up and remove all the unnecessary possessions that are “holding you down”. While not entirely wrong,…

Four tips for starting your own minimalist wardrobe

Millennials are known for many things but cost-cutting through a minimalist lifestyle could be the generation’s defining trait. This generation is known to be one of the most environmentally-conscious, prioritizing sustainability and cost-effectiveness over decadence and lavishness. Cue building a minimalist wardrobe,…

Think Big: How To Design A Bedroom for A Tiny House

BY: RACHEL MINAHAN A tiny house means limited space. It also means that designing can be a bit harder than it would with a big house. However, having a small house can also be a blessing in disguise sometimes. While…

Living on wheels makes you happier, less stressed and fearless

BY: NADIA ZAIDI  There is nothing like the wind caressing your face as you hit the road for travels unknown. Truly. People who live like nomads are happier, don’t experience the stressors associated with home living and are more audacious.…

Tiny Houses: 10 inspiring tiny homes (photos)

BY: JESSICA BEUKER  The tiny house movement is characterized by the desire to live with fewer material items and less space, in order to make room for what really matters – friends and family, experiences, good health – and have…

10 amazing tiny homes from around the world (photos)

BY: JESSICA BEUKER 1. The Hobbit House Location: Wales, UK The hobbit house was built by Simon and Jasmine Dale for under $5,000 US. Carved into a hillside, the home was made using natural materials such as wood, mud and grass.…

Living small: study shows that having fewer things makes you happier

BY: JESSICA BEUKER In 1975, the average size of a house in Canada was 1,050 square feet. Only 35 years later, in 2010, that number nearly doubled, with houses reaching an average size of 1,950 square feet. Similarly, in the…