The ‘Bucket List Family’ sold everything they own to visit dozens of different countries around the world

BY: CHARLOTTE LEFAVE All photos from The Bucket List Family  The ‘Bucket List Family’ has well earned their nickname by doing what everyone with even a sliver of wanderlust in their soul dreams of: selling everything they own and travelling…

I never want kids and everyone should just accept that

BY: SINEAD MULHERN I’m going to go ahead and say that thing you’re not supposed to say. I don’t think I’ll ever be a mother. I hope I never become a mother. I don’t have the desire to raise children.…

These darkly humorous photos show the reality of being married with kids (Photos)

Susan Copich is a former actress and a mother of two from New York, who has taken a dark but humorous approach to family photography in a series of photos she calls “Domestic Bliss”. “If you’ve met me, I have…

The real faces of Africa don’t look like a dejected World Vision commercial (Photos)

BY: RYAN BOLTON Some charities like to fuck with your ignorance and sympathy. Hell, that’s how some make their money. Kids in Africa. Go Google that right now. You get your stereotypical, late-night World Vision commercial notion of kids in Africa. Take…

Are you actually helping Africa?

BY: DAVID PATON  In 1899 Rudyard Kipling, the likeable and well-meaning British author of The Jungle Book, penned a poem he entitled The White Man’s Burden. It was a love poem to colonialism, painting the world as it was –…