A new film series called Born Wild asks kids to put down the computers and get the hell outside

BY: ROB HOFFMAN Three moms are trying to break technology’s grip on many of our young people, which is especially frightening for a generation that cannot imagine life as anything else. They’ve proposed Born Wild, a film series with a…

The first household 3D printers are self-replicating

BY: TED BARNABY We’ve seen Google Glass, solar power roadways and the Oculus Rift, but when it comes to holy-shit-we’re-in-the-future gadgets, 3D printing is likely the most eligible of the new technologies. Ever since the release of the first 3D…

How crowdfunding could turn your startup into a multi-million dollar company overnight

BY: LUC RINALDI Surfing the web the other day, I discovered Coolest—that is, “a portable party disguised as a cooler.” Boasting a built-in blender, Bluetooth speaker, USB charger, cutting board, bottle opener, and more, the Kickstarter project is undoubtedly the…