The dark and twisted side of Salem’s Halloween claim to fame

BY: AMANDA WOODROW  I don’t know about you, but I love Halloween! This is where my inner kid comes out and dresses up and gives out the full bowl of trick-or-treating candy. But Halloween is not just about costumes, sugar,…

What is Day of the Dead?

BY: JESSICA BEUKER  It’s that time of year again. Where kids and adults alike scrounge together old curtains and bedsheets to try and fashion their last-minute costumes. Where houses deck their doors in cobwebs and adorn their steps with glimmering,…

Five intense horror VR experiences guaranteed to get your heart pumping

We live in interesting times. Times where technology is growing and expanding exponentially in almost every area, and yet, somehow, truly terrifying horror movies are almost impossible to find. Stories are told of the previous generation peeing themselves in the…

The lazy person’s guide to simple (and awesome) last minute Halloween costumes

If you’re anything like me, you’ve spent months dreaming up the perfect Halloween costume that hits on all levels – it’s funny, it’s clever and it makes you look amazing. There’s only one problem: today’s Halloween and you haven’t actually…

Five unique Halloween traditions and rituals from around the world

Halloween, Hallowe’en, All Hallows Eve, Hallowtide… Halloween is one of the world’s oldest and most widely celebrated holidays. Historians believe that Halloween began with Irish and Scottish Gaelic festivals that had roots in Paganism. Christians then took those Gaelic ideas and morphed them into All Hallows…

What Wes Craven told me & the 12 films you should watch this Halloween to honour him

BY: ANGIE PICCIRILLO The recent death of horror master filmmaker, Wes Craven had me pretty upset when I saw the article pop on to my newsfeed last month. Not just because I’m a huge fan, but because I had gotten…

We Carve Pumpkins At Halloween Because Of A Guy Who Hung Out With Satan

BY: AL DONATO At some point in your life, you might find yourself arms-deep in pumpkin guts, seeds falling out of your hair and resisting the urge to carve something phallic into the offending squash. The tradition of carving jack-o’-lanterns…