BY: DUSTIN BATTY There has been a big push in recent years for the use of “green” energy, and this has manifested itself in the rapid development of solar and wind energy technology. The most recent addition to the green…
This small portable box is powerful enough to be an emergency home power source
BY DANIKA MOIR Until recently, the only forms of solar energy that have been made available are big, bulky, and expensive. However, the company Inergy was able to cut their latest innovation, the Kodiak, to 75 per cent of the…
A 9th grader developed a $12 machine that produces renewable energy from ocean currents
BY: EDITORS Oceans cover over 70 percent of the earth’s surface. So when 15-year-old Hannah Herbst learned that her pen pal from Ethiopia was deprived of basic energy supply, she started thinking. If the ocean had the power to capsize…
Aston Martin is releasing a new electric-powered supercar with 1,000 horsepower
BY: ROB HOFFMAN The slow crawl of the electric-automobile, once been reserved for the Lisa Simpson-type driver, was just given a James Bond makeover by Aston Martin, recently dropping projections for their new electric supercar set to be released by…
Two physicists are defying the Israeli army to bring this village sustainable energy & clean water
BY: SWIKAR OLI Palestinian residents in the Southern Hebron hills of the West Bank don’t have access to electricity, save for a rare few who can afford expensive diesel generators. Israeli soldiers have tried restricting the villages’ energy access and…
Aspen, Colorado, just became the third American city to run on 100% renewable energy
BY: SWIKAR OLI Sustainable energy, that is power generated from non-exhaustible resources such as wind, hydro or solar, has always seemed a little power-weak and a bit too rooted in science-fiction to truly satisfy our energy-hungry needs, but recent stories show…
Denmark just produced 140% of their nation’s energy demand through wind power
BY: KAROUN CHAHINIAN Last Thursday was a scientifically historical day in Denmark when it reached a new energy record after producing 140% of the nation’s electricity demand through wind power. The unusually windy evening started off with 116% of the…
Dutch citizens sued their government for not taking action against climate change and won
BY: ZOE MELNYK After years of disappointment in their government’s environmental policies, 886 Dutch citizens, following the lead of the sustainability foundation Urgenda, took their government to court in order to demand a better treatment of the environment and to…
This UK grocery store saves £140,000 per year by being powered entirely on food waste
BY: LAURA ROJAS Founded in 1869, Sainsbury’s in the UK is a large-scale grocery store chain that has vowed to do away with conventional business practices in exchange for more sustainable ideas. In 2011, their Hyde store in Kent became…
You will soon be able to charge your phone by jacking off
BY: DANIEL KORN PornHub—yes, that PornHub—is releasing a product that will allow men and women to charge any device by making a quick, arousing trip to the bathroom. It’s called the WankBand, and it’s a piece of wearable technology that…
These wind turbines disguised as trees could populate city streets.
BY: AYA TSINTZIRAS Jerome Michaud-Lariviere has invented The Wind Tree, a windmill that looks like a tree. Made of metal, it has 72 fake leaves that are actually turbines, and looks like a piece of art. The most significant part:…
Zero-point energy generators create free unlimited energy without fuel
Zero-point energy is the lowest form of energy in a physical mechanical system, remaining constant when all other energy is absent. This combats previous definitions of the vacuum, as space devoid of matter, re-defining the black space of the universe…
The world’s largest solar farm has nine million panels and is the size of a suburb
BY: TED BARNABY Over the last two years, nine million solar panels have been laid out across the California desert, constituting the world’s largest solar farm at nine and a half square miles in total. The Topaz Solar Farm, owned…