How floating “science cities” will change the world

When we think of the future, our minds often go to hovering cars and teleportation- to science. We are slowly learning to put our faith in a better tomorrow through technology. But for some inspired scientists, this process is happening…

Schools in Bangladesh are being built on boats to keep education active during floods

BY: KASSANDRA DZIKEWICZ As climate change escalates, places like Bangladesh are in serious trouble. With 1,174 people per square kilometre – Bangladesh’s population density is the highest on a global scale. The rising sea levels are causing floods, destroying communities,…

The world’s first floating ocean colony is on track to being completed by 2020

BY: JESSICA BEUKER The idea of ocean colonization has so far only lived in the dreamt-up world of science fiction writers, and those who hold the bold notion that anything is possible. Today, it is on its way to becoming…