Spherical treehouses let you camp under a blanket of greenery and stars all year round

BY: CHARLOTTE LEFAVE Forget about leaving treehouses in the fond memories of your childhood. Now, on Vancouver Island, you can rent spherical treehouses that take camping to entirely new heights. The creators of the Free Spirit Spheres Resort believe in…

What it’s like to grow up as a Third-Culture-Kid in Saudi Arabia

  It was Orientation Week at Virginia Tech, and a pivotal moment. It was not only my induction into the world of university, but also my re-integration into life “stateside.” My group’s (stereotypically obnoxious) “Orientation Leader” instructed us to sit…

This is what a childhood without technology looks like

BY: JESSICA BEUKER   Photographer Niki Boon first started taking photos while working as a physiotherapist in Scotland. But her interest in photography started to diminish while travelling, as she didn’t have access to a darkroom. It wasn’t until she…

How having a family member with AIDS changed my childhood

BY: QUEENSXXI I was about to turn 18 when I first got the news that my uncle tested positive for HIV/AIDS. It was after my grandma got a phone call from one of my uncle’s friends and started getting suspicious…