Why Psychopaths Are Great “CEO Material”

BY: ANGIE PICCIRILLO  For anyone who has ever worked in a hostile corporate environment, the intense personalities of executives are all too familiar and far too scary. These peoples’ personalities can be described as devious, competitive and lacking empathy. They…

Good Guy CEO cuts his $1 million salary to make the minimum wage $70,000

BY: TYLER FYFE Dan Price started his business out of his college dorm room on the standard student diet of stale wonder bread and pizza pops. Now the Founder and CEO of a privately owned credit card payment-processing firm, Price apparently…

How these 7 high-profile leaders and CEOs faked their way into million dollar positions

BY: ROB HOFFMAN Between credential inflation, tuition hikes, professors claiming poverty level wages and a generation of increasingly fed up and chronically stressed out students—the prospect of enrolling in post secondary education looks bleak. All of this, let me remind…