New research is rewriting the origins of our relationships with our furry friends

On an average morning, you might wake up to the sound of your dog scratching at the door to go outside and do its business. Or you might wake up after your cat plops its furry ass on your face…

How cats came to conquer the world

Who doesn’t like cats? They seem to embody everything we like about ourselves in a smaller, cuddlier form. They have personalities of their own; they can be affectionate, standoffish, shy, gregarious, aloof, or just plain absurd – sometimes all in…

Artificial life: Meet the first ever artificially produced embryo

BY: PHILIPPE DE JOCAS  In 1978, an English doctor snipped newborn Louise Brown’s umbilical cord, slapped the baby on the rear, and handed off the crying infant to a proud mother and father. It would have been just another delivery…

According to these scientists, our oldest ancestor literally ate shit

BY: PHILLIPE DE JOCAS  It’s hard to believe that evolution – the great endless cycle of livin’, breedin’, mutatin’, and dyin’ – has gone on unabated for more than four billion years. In that time, fish have crawled out onto…

Apparently giant, wolf-sized otters used to roam the earth six million years ago

  BY: PHILIPPE DE JOCAS Who doesn’t like otters? They’ve got the soft and rounded face of a kitten combined with the manic, playful energy of a youthful puppy, and the slippery aquatic grace of a baby seal to boot.…

Graphene is a newly-discovered material that could replace plastic, steel, rubber and medicine.

BY: TJ MOREY With the advent of humans and the decline of humanity, we seem to have become our own Nostradamus—prophesying the doom of this planet we call home. Luckily, there are still individuals optimistic and innovative enough to (hopefully)…