BY: PHILIPPE DE JOCAS Hundreds of years ago, Dutch explorers from distant shores drew close to a mysterious island – one that would change the way we look at archeology forever. It wasn’t quite the kind of mysterious island that…
How otters are making a comeback from the brink of extinction
Everyone has a favourite animal. What animal we choose to idolize says a lot about ourselves – some people choose based on their innate cuteness, some pick a favorite animal based on their intelligence or unsual traits, while still others…
China’s biodiversity efforts involve public participation and employment
China is a land of contrasts. It’s an ancient land, steeped in tradition – but at the same time it’s one of the most densely populated and technologically advanced nations on Earth. It’s a land where smog regularly chokes the…
World hunger and biodiversity loss could be solved by the empowerment of women around the world
BY: DUSTIN BATTY The education and empowerment of women around the world is a crucial step towards a better and brighter future. It promotes equality, combats societally encouraged oppression, and vastly improves a nation’s economic and developmental potential. A recent…
8 ways that humans count on animals for survival
BY: MEIGHAN SEMBRANO Humankind as we know it would not be possible without animals and that’s a simple fact. Early humans depended on animals for food, clothes, and transportation and today things are not all that different when you think…