This tiny house B&B encourages you to explore the traditional land of the Esk’etemc people

BY: DUSTIN BATTY One of the most inspiring aspects of the tiny house movement is the sense of community and helpfulness that it promotes. Tiny house builders and residents are often willing to provide advice for others who want to…

Nestlé plans to siphon one million litres of BC’s freshwater for $2.25 and sell 24 packs for $4.99

BY: MICHAEL LYONS If you bought a $2.00 bottle of Nestlé water, how much would you expect it to cost to draw that natural Canadian resource? Under a new rate introduced by British Columbia’s Ministry of Environment, Nestlé would only…

This family lives on a floating fortress of greenhouses in the middle of the ocean

BY: ROB HOFFMAN In Clayoquot Sound, BC, tucked away in the coastal inlets of Cypress Bay, and about a half-hour by boat off the coast of Tofino, live Catherine King and Wayne Adams—the owners and operators of Freedom Cove. Freedom Cove…

These pro skiers took to the hills naked for their latest shoot (Video)

BY: SINEAD MULHERN These skiers took the term “ski bum” literally. Valhalla now brings a feature film of 20 naked skiers tearing down the backcountry terrain in B.C. The video opens with a shot of the men and women from…

Redefining Home On Native Land: Inside British Columbia’s Fight For Aboriginal Territory

BY: KELSEY ROLFE No British Columbia premier has ever met with the Tsilhqot’in Nation on their home turf. Nor had one ever sat down with aboriginal titleholders as equals. Christy Clark, B.C.’s current premier, was the first to do both…

This commune in BC lets you live for free and pays you in drugs (Video)

BY: ROBERT HOFMANN Poole picked out a white dried-up mushroom the size of my thumb and snapped it in two. “A gram for each of you,” says Poole, and hands me my half. One gram, it seemed, was a bit…