Study shows that having a dog can protect your child from allergies and obesity

BY: DUSTIN BATTY Dogs have long been considered “man’s best friend,” the best non-human companion that any human could ask for. Indeed, animal studies scholar Donna Haraway describes the intricacies of the human-dog relationship in her Companion Species Manifesto, explaining…

More millennials are opting for dogs instead of having children

As Facebook newsfeeds seem to be filling up with more and more young adults getting engaged, announcing pregnancies or having babies, it’s hard to believe that there’s actually an equal amount showing off a different kind of pride and joy: dogs.  Dogs provide a sense of companionship without…

Turns out, there’s a scientific explanation for why we can’t resist cuteness

BY: CAROLINE ROLF In the 1940s, an Austrian biologist by the name of Konrad Lorenz developed a formula that would make the human heart melt. Not literally, of course, but the formula known as Kindchenschema (or “baby schema”) is a…

These beautiful photos show newborn babies less than 20 seconds old

BY: CHRISTIAN BERTHELOT Sweat and suspense are words that accurately describe the moments spent in a delivery room. The first time that Christian Berthelot experienced a caesarean birth, the planned birth went awry and an emergency C-section was performed as…

These babies dressed as senior citizens will complete your life (PHOTOS)

It’s funny how we all start this life in diapers, and many of us will probably end our lives in them. Age is circular, but we come to learn that age is just a number. Why do some of us…