Kim Anami’s last name means “unnameable one” in Sanskrit. It’s a name she’s chosen for herself.
Unnameable seems like the appropriate choice. Throughout her life she has become too many things to just be one: a mother, an off-grid inhabitant, meditator and learner of Taoist philosophy and a bit of a nomad. But recently, she’s been making a name for herself as a vaginal fitness and intimacy coach.
Anami teaches women how to lift weights with their vaginas. It’s called vaginal kung fu. Most people would want to know what the practical use of this could possibly be. Well, according to Anami, women who can’t lift with their vaginas are missing out. She’ll go as far as to tell women that if you can’t shoot ping pong balls out of your vagina, you’re sexually disconnected and missing out on the wonders of your body.
Anami has travelled the world coaching women how to do this and tags photos of herself on Instagram under the hashtag #thingsiliftwithmyvagina.
It sounds like she’s kidding. She’s not. For some women, vaginal weight lifting is a serious undertaking… the world record is 31 pounds.
How the hell did she get into this? That’s not entirely clear. At 22 she started practicing Tantra and learning Taoist philosophy, Osho meditation and psychology. She took her son to Bali and then lived off-grid on boats for a decade.
Now she’s using all of that experience to lift fruits with her genitals (and teach other women to do the same). So far, she can lift a pomegranate, bundle of tiny bananas, dragon fruit and rambutans.
Sometimes she lifts organic gluten-free donuts too.