The U.S.’s legalization of same-sex marriages across all 50 states represents a celebrated moment in history for most. For others, the ruling might as well be the first step on the slippery slope of national degeneracy. There’s no doubt it’ll take a few decades to weed out the country’s simpler folk in this respect. Not much to do about that other than education, stink-eye, and in some cases—sweet sweet revenge.
Of this lesser breed was a disgruntled former client of Brentwood Photography, a Florida based photography company owned by Clinton Lee, who—in light of the Supreme Court’s ruling—had recently changed his Facebook profile and banner picture to reflect his beliefs and support his nation’s decision. Unable to cope with Lee’s supportive stance on same-sex love, the client messaged Lee to revoke his business—despite having already paid a retainer of $1,500. Lee responded with—that’s right— sweet sweet revenge.
Lee’s response has earned him over 25k followers on Facebook, free coverage on large media platforms like Mashable, and an endless stream of online high-fives. Good-guy Lee’s most recent post reads, “You don’t need to call me the ‘Gay wedding photographer’ or ‘the photographer who shoots Gay weddings.’ It’s simple. I SHOOT WEDDINGS. One day we won’t have to separate the two as if they are different. Love is love, a wedding is a wedding.” It’s the cherry on top of a noble and hilarious act that would hopefully indicate it wasn’t all a PR stunt. And even if it was—Good for you, Lee. You crafty bastard, I’m with you.