Vaping is an extremely popular activity nowadays. It has spread worldwide, and many people today have at least tried to vape. Despite the obvious harm of smoking, vaping was perceived as positive, even positive for health. However, it turned out to be not true. In fact, vaping can be as harmful as usual cigarettes.
The worst thing about smoking is nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive substance that influences our nervous system as well as others. So, it can harm your health. What is more, it is addictive, which means that once you get on the hook, you will need a long and not pleasant therapy to get rid of this addiction.
For sure, maybe you will not get addicted if you try once. However, it is also possible that you try to vape and not try nicotine. For example, you can try to use a dry herb vaporizer. However, you should be sure that it is legal in the place where you live. Dry herb vape pens usually use marijuana, which is usually illegal in many places.
Vaping History in a Nutshell
In fact, attempts to create something that will closely remind a cigarette have been made a couple of times within the previous century. However, only at the end of the XX century did a person invent an electronic device similar to a cigarette. The inventor comes from China, and his story is rather interesting.
The inventor’s name is Hon Lik, he used to work as a pharmacist, and he decided to work on a device that would not release harmful tars and burning chemicals. The decision was taken due to his father’s death. Hon Lik’s father died because of lung cancer that developed due to years of smoking. Therefore, Hon Lik aimed at protecting other people from such terrible losses.
Therefore, he developed a device, now known as cig-a-like. It looked like a usual cigarette but was electronic, and you had to throw it away after the cartridge was empty. The idea was accepted with pleasure; many people believed that such devices could save their lives without outrooting the negative habit from their lives. Moreover, many companies supported the idea and developed the patent into other types of vaping devices such as a vaping pen for e-liquid, weed vape pen, and dab pen.
Today the vaping industry is one of the most profitable worldwide. Not only e-cigarettes development is the point of this business but also marketing, sales, transportation of the devices, accessories for them, various types of fillings, etc. Investing in vaping was not a bad idea even during the period of the COVID pandemic, which means that the industry seems to be popular for a long time.
Sport and Nicotine
Generally, people have suspected that smoking is not good for their health, and they try to promote a healthy lifestyle. For example, it was believed that sportspeople never smoke, as now we believe they do not use vaping devices. The same worked for herbs, so now it can be compared to a weed pen. However, the question is whether everything is so clear and unambiguous in this regard.
For sure, there used to be some exceptions to any rule, stereotype, or tradition. Therefore, vaping sportspeople are not a surprise though they are not widespread. Those sportspeople who aim at big goals such as the Olympic Games traditionally do not consume anything that can harm their future results. The most evident way nicotine influences a person is that it gets into their blood. Then it affects a person’s brain, and so on.
Mostly, those taking sports-related activities need a lot of oxygen in their blood. Nicotine makes this process rather tricky, so a sportsperson cannot perform his or her actions to the full scale, and his or her performance gets much lower. Unfortunately, today many athletes still believe that vaping is safe and cannot be a reason for any damage happening to their health.
It is well-known that baseball players used to have a habit of chewing tobacco leaves. Still, today we also have data that people in ice hockey, gymnastics and calisthenics, soccer, and even wrestling also tend to consume nicotine. In addition, some of them consume nicotine to lose weight. Many of them also use vaping devices for this.
However, the biggest problem is that vaping can become the reason for addiction. If you use a usual vaping device, you can get addicted to nicotine. If you are using the best weed vape pen, you can also get drug-addicted despite marijuana being considered a light drug. Usually, such an addiction can be harmful not only directly to the body and health but also the career of a young sportsperson.
Firstly, because nicotine can damage one’s health, sportspeople who use vaping can decrease their physical potential. With such a habit, they can lose plenty of opportunities, especially those that lead to international recognition and the best achievements in their sport. What is more, such people can have psychological difficulties confessing that they are addicted. Sportspeople are mainly focused on victories, and they perceive every failure as the unforgivable stage of their lives.
Secondly, vaping can make their social life more difficult. For instance, if you are a kid of 13 and you are trained in a particular sports school, no matter how promising you are, vaping can bring your sports career and free life to an end. It will likely happen because vaping for those under 18 is illegal. If you want to use a dry herb vaporizer pen, it is even less safe than just vaping. Getting into prison at such a small age is real trouble for your future.
Having looked through loads of comments on vaping by famous sportspeople, trainers, and other athletes, we can conclude that vaping can harm a sports person’s future career in many ways. A vaper who is an athlete too may have difficulties recognizing they are addicted. Moreover, the addiction will be more challenging to treat because of their possible psychological state. Last but never least is their health which can also get some troubles. Therefore, vaping and sports are possible combinations, but not the ideal ones.