Imagine getting paid to hike, swim, camp and climb. That’s the job that Canadian outdoor brand Woods is offering to two individuals this summer. The brand is looking for two people to take on travelling the 17,000 kilometre-long Trans Canada Trail, promoting their adventure (and the brand) on social media as they go. The chosen pair will get to see all parts of the rugged Canadian outdoors from Vancouver Island to Mackenzie River and Newfoundland.
Those lucky enough to be chosen make a total of $22,000 over the four months. Expenses and accommodation is included. So is the outdoor gear and equipment. On top of that, $300 per week will be paid out for all other necessities.
Just think about that for a second. Canada is the ultimate playground for the outdoor enthusiast. There are the fresh smells that come off the Great Lakes, the soft and spongy forest trail terrain that weaves throughout the country, there’s the tranquil views and clean air of the West Coast, and mountain streams with crystal clear cool waters. Stand on top of the Rocky Mountains and let the feeling of awe take over. Traverse Prairie ground and admire the endless skies and some of the best stargazing in North America. Canada’s expanse and terrain diversity means that each of its provinces and territories have something completely original to offer. Getting money to explore coast to coast the world’s second largest country? Most people would give money for that.
Woods is looking for just the right duo. Essentially, for a summer, you are paid to be the face of the brand. Those chosen must get to know the gear well. That means knowing how to use it, giving feedback and reviewing the products, while showing it in a way that will help inspire others to get outside. It nearly goes without saying that you must be an “outdoorsy” person. That means, you gotta be down to hike, portage, kayak, swim and climb during the trip. Applicants must also be prepared to endure long spells of roofless nights—but for the right duo, the canopy of stars is a more than adequate summer shelter.
On top of having acquired the outdoors skill-set, Woods is hoping for the pair to be personable and adept at using social media, since the trip will be documented on and promoted through social platforms. Skills in media are an asset as is photography and video skills. Those who get the job must also be able to research and plan the trip themselves. That includes looking up key points of interest to visit along the trail since each week they will travel to a new destination. The homework is the responsibility of the two travellers.
Woods has been a prominent outdoor brand in Canada since 1885. Their mantra is to promote the outdoor lifestyle and encourage people to spend more time exploring outdoor beauty. That’s also why they are sponsoring the trip. They want to draw attention to the Trans Canada Trail (and obviously, their brand). More attention to the TCT is something that would do a lot of good right now. The trail is undergoing an extension. Though it’s currently 17,000 kilometres long, by 2017 it will grow to 24,000.
The proposed six-day a week positions go from May 12 until Sept. 30 this summer. The deadline is on April 17. To apply, entrants must send in a 60-second video.