After five years, with 300 hours of compiling footage and data, NASA has released a 30-minute video of the sun in remarkable 4K detail. Beginning in 2010, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration has been shooting images of the sun every 12 seconds from atop an Atlas V-401 rocket, or Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), which was launched into space. The observatory is still travelling through our still-mysterious solar system to gain further information about the big fiery ball that sustains all life on our planet.
The footage captured had observed ten different wavelengths simultaneously, allowing astronomers to now view the parent star in greater detail than ever before. Not only is this awesome news for astronomers— it also means anyone with Internet access now has a front row seat to watch nature’s greatest pyrotechnic show.
Although most screens currently do not have the capacity to view the material in all of its 4K glory, the imagery is still mind blowing no matter what resolution you watch it in.
After watching this video, you definitely realize that the sun is so much more than the yellow circles you used to draw in the corner of your pictures.