Which countries are (and will be) leading the renewable energy revolution?

In the words of Bob Marley, the times are a-changing. Unfortunately, change can take a while to truly kick in, and that’s what we’re learning as we struggle to overhaul an energy economy for the needs of the 21st century.…

Are green energy technologies a realistic option for most people?

BY: OLLIE WHITE Once considered a concept practiced mostly by businesses, industries and wealthy individuals, today green energy technologies are getting more and more popular among ordinary households and families, both in urban and rural areas. And while there is…

Move towards environmental sustainability with these 10 inventions

The concept of environmental sustainability isn’t new. With the risk of sounding like a broken record, for the benefit of those who are unaware, sustainability simply using resources available to our benefit while making sure there will still be enough for the future…

A company in the Netherlands has found a beautiful, functional use for retired wind turbines

BY: BROOKLYN PINHEIRO As wind turbines come to the end of their lifespan the clean energy source faces barriers to continuing its commitment to being environmentally friendly. After 15 to 25 years in the field, wind turbines need to be…

These wind turbines disguised as trees could populate city streets.

BY: AYA TSINTZIRAS Jerome Michaud-Lariviere has invented The Wind Tree, a windmill that looks like a tree. Made of metal, it has 72 fake leaves that are actually turbines, and looks like a piece of art. The most significant part:…