For 10 years, the Galaxy Zoo has been bringing citizens closer to the stars

Ten years ago, a strange blue smear flashed across the computer screen of Hanny von Arkel, a Dutch elementary school teacher. That anomalous blue smudge was located on a powerful telescope tracking movement. Thanks to the efforts of von Arkel,…

Millions of images make up this epic map of the universe and it will blow your mind

 BY: PHILIPPE DE JOCAS  In the words of the late author Douglas Adams, “Space is big. Really big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long way down the…

Millennials have all the right conditions to keep exploring the universe

BY: PAOLO JOVENTINO I will always remember my first battle with existential crisis. In grade seven, I developed what I believed to be anxiety, and once I began to ask the real questions, I discovered it was. What I first…

If aliens exist, the Fermi Paradox is the reason we haven’t found them

BY: DANIEL KORN “Where are they?” This is the question that physicist Enrico Fermi asked his colleagues at lunch one day in 1950, after a jovial discussion about the prevalence of aliens in popular culture at the time. We’ve discussed…