People are ripping apart Hollywood with hilarious plot synopses in 140 characters or less

BY: DANIEL WATERBORNE Clichés stick to Hollywood the same way that the soles of my shoes stick to the movie theatre floor. Sadly, Hollywood isn’t run by directors or screenwriters; Hollywood is run by balding men around boardroom tables. And…

This Muslim woman shuts down haters by donating $1 to UNICEF for every hate tweet she receives

BY: KASSANDRA DZIKEWICZ She is a sociologist with a PhD at Monash University, but her intellectual level doesn’t stop people from undermining her based on her religious status. Susan Carland converted to Islam at the age of 19, and at…

Disturbing quotes revealed from the real American Sniper, Chris Kyle

BY: KHADIJA KHAN American Sniper is proving to be brilliant propaganda that reveres American military aggression while conveying Hollywood’s most racist depiction of Arabs that is effectively legitimizing America’s constant bombing crusades across the Middle East. Where Clint Eastwood misses…