Tourism industry is flourishing now more than ever. With industries and brands expanding worldwide, and the aviation industry making it possible for us to travel around the world in the blink of an eye, the world almost seems to fit…
A photographer shows the side of famous monuments that you’ve never seen (photos)
BY BROOKLYN PINHERIO All photos by Oliver Curtis You’ve seen pictures of the Colosseum or the Eiffel Tower you’re whole life, but when you finally get the chance to see it in person the environment is completely foreign to you.…
What Does America Look Like Through The Eyes Of A Tourist? These Photos Will Make You Understand
BY: RON GESSEL Streets overwhelmed by advertisements, shopping malls and fast food, celebrity obsession and hypersexualized imagery—is this really the America that tourists bear witness to? Caught in the normalized state of society, we often do not take a moment to…