Sustainable tourism: How to create a positive impact while travelling

Tourism industry is flourishing now more than ever. With industries and brands expanding worldwide, and the aviation industry making it possible for us to travel around the world in the blink of an eye, the world almost seems to fit…

This engineer is saving villages through ecotourism

BY: PHILIPPE DE JOCAS India is a land of extremes. It’s one of the most heavily and densely populated countries on Earth, with a rapidly rising economy that will likely push the population onto the world stage by 2020, but…

World’s first “dark sky island” is a starry paradise completely untouched by light pollution

Sark, an island located 80 miles south, off the coast of England is the world’s first “dark sky island.” The island is known for its old-fashioned feel, as the population remains at around 600 patrons throughout the entire island. The perfect location to fall back in time, as unmistakable…

Miami is more than some collagen-lips, condominiums and copious amounts of drug clichés

BY: EDITORS In the 1970s while the rest of the country was rattled by The Great Inflation, unemployment rising into the double digits, the city of Miami was just beginning its rise to neon-decadence fuelled by an emerging underground economy…

How to spot the difference between a tourist and a traveller

BY: JESSICA BEUKER It’s very easy to spot the differences between a tourist and a traveller. A tourist stands out; fanny pack, I heart NY T-shirt, head buried in a map or admiring the view through the lens of a…

What Does America Look Like Through The Eyes Of A Tourist? These Photos Will Make You Understand

BY: RON GESSEL Streets overwhelmed by advertisements, shopping malls and fast food, celebrity obsession and hypersexualized imagery—is this really the America that tourists bear witness to? Caught in the normalized state of society, we often do not take a moment to…