Blood Sugar Levels: How Glucose Levels Affect Your Body?

One of the most common diseases in the world is diabetes. This disease is so widespread that some people are calling it a way of life. Thus what is sugar? How is it absorbed by our body and how can…

How food affects your mental health

It’s been said our digestive system is our “second brain”. It is the largest part of our neurological system so naturally, what goes in it has an effect on our brains. After all, our diet changes depending on our mood…

New Crave Crush lozenge will curb sugar addiction cravings

BY: SHAWNTAE HARRIS  Walking into a food store can be torturous, especially for a sugar lover. Walking through your grocery store, the sweet goods conveniently situated at the end of every aisle make it almost impossible not to buy. And to…

To get you to stop drinking liquid sugar, the government is going to tax it.

BY: NATHANIEL ASTUDILLO Next time you reach for a thirst-quenching bottle of Coke or Pepsi, the price may make you think twice. The drinks may be taxed in response to studies linking sugary drinks to obesity. People know that too…

Meet the Toronto man who went 1,000 days without refined sugar

BY: TREVOR HEWITT It was an addiction over twenty years in the making. Every morning, Jason Holborn would pour at least half a cup of sugar into his cereal – usually Frosted Flakes or Cocoa Pebbles. After school, he’d mix a…