7 ways writing can make you a more tolerant and mindful person

BY: GLORIA KOPP There are so many reasons why a person may want to broaden their mind. In fact, it’s harder to think of a reason why not to try and open your mind to explore new things and constantly…

This Canadian woman uses visual art and storytelling forms together to create a more holistic narrative

BY: DUSTIN BATTY Andrea Fredeen, a painter from Prince George, British Columbia, completed an innovative project last year that challenged her skill and stretched her creative boundaries. During an interview, I asked her to describe her project. “I was looking…

This extraordinary story of love, mayhem, and Nazism will show you nothing is impossible

World War II ended over 70 years ago. There are plenty of books and materials on what happened, why it happened, what Nazism is etc. What we sometimes lack is the personal perspective. There are almost no stories about an…

George Saunders explains how storytelling at its best is a stand in for day-to-day life

BY: ADRIAN SMITH I’ve always lacked inventiveness in my short stories despite faithfully creating characters and narratives that mirror major events and expectations in my life. After explaining that to a friend who also writes, he recommended a video with…