BY: PHILIPPE DE JOCAS In spite of some recent advancement in theories of gender equity, it’s no secret that, for a variety of social and cultural reasons, guys ruled most historical civilizations while women worked to keep the show on…
Why I rarely want to talk about mental health because of my gender
BY: QUENTIN STUCKEY It’s remarkable how much mental health is becoming more open and less stigmatized. The popular tweet across the globe that surfaces on the International Bell Let’s Talk Day is typically: “It’s okay not to be okay.” Truer…
This Hotel Is A Training Academy For Youths With Learning Disabilities
For those with learning disabilities, school can be a tough place to flourish. Luckily for them, an academy in Somerset, England has opened a school which caters to those who were born with developmental difficulties. Foxes Academy is not just any school, but a training…
Don’t let society decide the rest of your life.
By: Mike Jones The level of happiness is often entwined to our careers. At some point, the two become inseparable. Your career then should represent your authentic self. At least, that would be the case if we lived in an…
For true happiness, follow your own checklist—not society’s
BY: ANGIE PICCIRILLO I recently learned the term “tiger style,” which refers to a strict and demanding parent who pushes their children to pursue high levels of achievement. Supposedly, this is done to ensure the success of the children in…
The simple reason why Norway has been named the best country for humans 12-years in a row
BY: DANIEL WATERBORNE For the twelfth year in a row, Norway has been named the best country on earth to be a human in. According to the Human Development Report, Norway ranks the highest in life expectancy at an average…
These American-poverty commercials are parodying condescending World Vision ads
The next sad-eyed, impoverished child you see totting donations from developed countries might be the face of an American. Looking to extend a hand to a struggling nation, feed the hungry, and make your positive contribution to the world? It’s…
This 17-year-old dropped out of school to become a modern-day shepherd in the Alps (Photos)
Photographer Clementine Schneidermann began photographing her brother six years ago when he dropped out of school at the age of 17, to become a shepherd and live in the mountains with his two dogs. For the first few years, Nicolas…
These bi-racial twins are living proof that race is a social construct
BY: JESSICA BEUKER People, too often, are obsessed with categories. We have this innate desire to place people into little boxes: male or female, gay or straight, black or white. This system however, is not only flawed, but also damaging.…
Things that people do on public transit that make you contemplate murder
BY: LAURA ROJAS With all that talk about “manspreading,” and all the petty debates that surrounded it, it really got me thinking- if people knew the basic rules of transit etiquette this whole thing would have been over before it…