How Revealing: An online safe space to talk about sexual assault in India

BY: KRUPA JOSEPH  Warning: Some of the stories shared in this article contain graphic details of sexual violence. Parents start teaching children right and wrong at a young age. If you are a girl, chances are that you were handed…

Kenya’s karate grannies are badass warriors fighting off rapists (video)

BY: JESSICA BEUKER  Rape and sexual assault are growing problems in Kenya. In 2009 alone, there were 40,000 reported cases, and the majority of cases still go unreported. In order to protect themselves a group of women have decided to…

Inspired by Cosby, California ends the statute of limitations on rape cases

BY: AISHA ILYAD California has officially dropped the statute of limitations on rape cases, effective from January 1st 2017. The law applies to: “rape, sodomy, lewd or lascivious acts, continuous sexual abuse of a child, oral copulation and sexual penetration” committed…

Powerful photo series depicts the crimes that women face in every corner of the world

BY: KRUPA JOSEPH All photos by: Bhargavi Joshi For over 13 years, Indian-Canadian Bhargavi Joshi has been trying to tell stories about the things that she cares about through her photography. Photographs helps cut across languages and culture, allowing her…

To aid the rape crisis in India, panic buttons will be built into all new mobile phones

BY: JESSICA BEUKER Starting in 2017, all new mobile phones sold in India are required to have a panic button for users to make emergency calls. By 2018, phones will also be required to have built-in GPS navigation. According to…

#ItsOnUs: New anti-rape PSA brought by the White House emphasizes the importance of consent

BY: KAROUN CHAHINIAN Consent seems like a simple and fairly obvious concept, but if it is, why are there still over 293,000 cases of sexual assault in America every year? One of the most common places where these assaults take…